API for Autorepo.
If I should maintain this repo, please ⭐️
DM me on Twitter if you have questions or suggestions.
yarn add @autosoft/autorepo-api
npm install @autosoft/autorepo-api
pnpm add @autosoft/autorepo-api
- @autosoft/eslint-config: A base for projects that use ESLint.
- @autosoft/jest-preset: A base for projects that use Jest.
- @autosoft/tsconfig: A base for TypeScript projects.
- @bconnorwhite/exec: Execute commands while keeping flags easily configurable as an object
- @octokit/rest: GitHub REST API client for Node.js
- @swc/cli: CLI for the swc project
- @swc/core: Super-fast alternative for babel
- clee: Create CLI applications with glee 🎉
- conf: Simple config handling for your app or module
- conventional-changelog: Generate a changelog from git metadata
- conventional-recommended-bump: Get a recommended version bump based on conventional commits
- coveralls-api: API client for coveralls.io
- enquirer: Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompt system. Fast and lightweight enough for small projects, powerful and extensible enough for the most advanced use cases.
- file-structure: Define and manage file structures
- join-newlines: Join an array of strings with newlines
- latest-version: Get the latest version of an npm package
- mem: Memoize functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input
- npm-description: Fetch a package's description from NPM
- npm-package-json-lint-config-auto: NPM Package.json Lint Config
- package-add: Programmatically install packages. Supports yarn, npm, and pnpm.
- package-run: Node API for running package.json scripts
- semver: The semantic version parser used by npm.
- spdx-license: Get SPDX license information
- tsd: Check TypeScript type definitions
- turbo: Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.
- types-pkg-json: Type checking for package.json
- which-pm-lockfile: Check if a project uses yarn, npm, or pnpm
- @autosoft/eslint-config: A base for projects that use ESLint.
- @autosoft/jest-preset: A base for projects that use Jest.
- @autosoft/tsconfig: A base for TypeScript projects.
- @types/conventional-changelog: TypeScript definitions for conventional-changelog
- npm-package-json-lint-config-auto: NPM Package.json Lint Config