📦 基于rollup的JS、TS包构建工具 | One common construction and package tool for JS/TS components based on Rollup 📦
📦 基于 rollup 的 JS、TS 包基础核心构建工具 One common construction and package tool for JS/TS components based on Rollup 📦
✨ Features
基于 rollup 的基础核心构建工具
支持 Javascript、Typescript
Basic core build tools based on rollup
Supports mutiple frameworks such as JavaScript, TypeScript
Support custom banner, you can modify the brand name of this tool by specifying the value of the cusBannerString field in the package
🚀 Quick Start
npm i -D @autopack/cpack@latest # OR yarn add -D @autopack/cpack@latest
First Step:Add the scripts in package.json:
"scripts": {
"build": "NODE_ENV=production cpack build --source=js"
指定构建打包源文件格式,其取值为'js', 'ts'
You need to specify the build and packaging source file format through the parameter 'source', and its values are one of the four formats of 'js', 'ts'.
Second Step:Goes to the project directory and runs:
npm run build # OR yarn build
@autopack/cpack 默认以 src/index.ts
为入口,在 dist
目录输出 'umd', 'es', 'cjs', 'iife', 'amd'
@autopack/cpack defaults to 'src/index.ts' as the entry, and outputs 'umd', 'es', 'cjs', 'iife', 'amd'' build packages (including uncompressed and compressed versions) in the 'dist' directory.
Custom Config
可在项目根目录新建 autopack.config.js
自定义 @autopack/cpack 构建配置(或在 package.json
中使用 autopackConfig
You can create a new 'autopack.config.js' custom @autopack/cpack build configuration at the project root (or use the 'autopackConfig' object configuration in 'package.json')
Custom banners are supported, and you can modify the brand name of the tool by specifying the value of the cusBannerString field in the package.json file
如需指定打包需要隔离的依赖包,则可配置 formatConfig 属性对象
If you need to specify that packaging depends on packages that need to be isolated, you can configure the formatConfig property object
"formatConfig": {
[format]: {
external: ['xxx']
如需整体隔离 dependences 全体依赖包,可指定 isolateDep: true
To isolate all dependent packages of dependences as a whole, specify isolateDep: true
"formatConfig": {
[format]: {
isolateDep: true,
debug 并且非production环境状态会自动开启 rollup-serve,可配置 templateBase 属性指定模版 index.html 所在路径
The debug and development states automatically turns on rollup-serve, and you can configure the templateBase property to specify the path where the template index.html is located.
"formatConfig": {
templateBase: 'examples/',
batchPackage 布尔状态会自动开启批量打包, 默认批量路径为"./packages",可配置 input 数组属性指定input路径文件
"batchPackage": true,
@autopack/cpack 默认配置/配置示例 Default Config
* @autopack/cpack 默认配置 Default Config
module.exports = ({ pkg } = {}) => {
return {
// 输入 Input
input: 'src/index.ts',
// 输出 Output
output: {
// 目录 directory
directory: 'dist',
// 包名 name
name: /\//.test(pkg.name) ? pkg.name.match(/\/(.+)/)[1] : pkg.name,
// 格式 format
format: ['umd', 'es', 'cjs', 'iife', 'amd'],
// 顶部注释 banner
banner: `/*!
* ${pkg.name} with v${pkg.version}
* Author: ${pkg.author}
* Built on ${new Date().toLocaleDateString()}
* Released under the ${
} License Copyright (c) 2021-${new Date().getFullYear()}
formatConfig: {
umd: {
// 打包屏蔽的外部模块 Shielded external modules
external: ['lodash', 'moment'],
// 外部pkg.dependences依赖不屏蔽 Isolate dependences not blocking
isolateDep: false
es: {
external: ['lodash', 'moment'],
// 自动屏蔽全部pkg.dependences依赖 Blocking isolate dependences
isolateDep: true
cjs: {
external: [],
isolateDep: false
iife: {
external: [],
isolateDep: false
amd: {
external: [],
isolateDep: false
skipAlert: true, // 重复路径是否提示覆盖并继续构建,默认不提示 Whether the duplicate path prompts to override and continue building, it is not prompted by default
templateBase: 'examples/', // rollup-plugin-serve build base
// devServeInput: 'examples/index.js', // rollup-plugin-serve build input file
batchPackage: false, //是否批量打包packages路径下的组件, 默认打包路径, 会覆盖input路径
replaceMaps: {},
stylusAlias: {
'@': path.join(cwd, './node_modules/@')
styleExtract: false
Copyright (c) 2022-present, YanPan