Jetpack Analytics Package
This module includes functionality for interacting with analytics packages.
Turn on debugging in the JavaScript developer console to view calls being made with the analytics module:
In Calypso: localStorage.setItem('debug', 'calypso:analytics');
In Jetpack wp-admin: localStorage.setItem('debug', 'dops:analytics');
Which analytics tool should I use?
Page Views (analytics.pageView.record
) should be used to record all page views (when the main content body completely changes). This will automatically record the pageview to both Google Analytics and Tracks.
Google Analytics should be used to record all events the user performs on a page that do not trigger a page view (this will allow us to determine bounce rate on pages).
We are using GA to monitor user flows through the user interface of Calypso in order learn where they succeed and fail, as well as determine usage of different sections. Please do not ship anything that does not have GA tracking in place, otherwise we will create big gaps in our understanding.
Automatticians may refer to internal documentation for more information about MC/Tracks.
// require the module
var analytics = require( 'analytics' );
PageView Wrapper
analytics#pageView#record( pageURL, pageTitle )
Record a pageview:
analytics.pageView.record( '/posts/draft', 'Posts > Drafts' );
Google Analytics API
analytics#ga#recordPageView( pageURL, pageTitle )
Record a virtual pageview:
analytics.ga.recordPageView( '/posts/draft', 'Posts > Drafts' );
Note: Unless you have a strong reason to directly record a pageview to GA, you should use analytics.pageView.record
analytics#ga#recordEvent( eventCategory, eventAction [, optionLabel, optionValue ] )
Record an event:
analytics.ga.recordEvent( 'Reader', 'Clicked Like' );
analytics.ga.recordEvent( 'Reader', 'Loaded Next Page', 'page', 2 );
For more information and examples about how and when to provide the optional optionLabel
and optionValue
parameters, refer to the Google Analytics Event Tracking documentation.
Tracks API
analytics#tracks#recordEvent( eventName, eventProperties )
Record an event with optional properties:
analytics.tracks.recordEvent( 'calypso_checkout_coupon_apply', {
'coupon_code': 'abc123'
} );
analytics#mc#bumpStat( group, name )
Bump a single WP.com stat.
analytics.mc.bumpStat( 'newdash_visits', 'sites' );
analytics#mc#bumpStat( obj )
Bump multiple WP.com stats:
analytics.mc.bumpStat( {
'stat_name1': 'stat_value1',
'statname2': 'stat_value2'
} );
Google Analytics Naming Conventions
For page view tracking, you should never pass a dynamic URL, or anything including a specific domain e.g. (/posts/example.wordpress.com). Always pass a placeholder in these instances (/posts/:site). If you do not do this, we cannot accurately track views for a specific page. Titles should always use a >
to break up the hierarchy of the page title. Examples are Posts > My > Drafts
, Reader > Following > Edit
, Sharing > Connections
Events should be categorized by the section they are in. Examples are Posts
, Pages
, Reader
, Sharing
. Event actions should be written in readable form, and action centric. Good examples are Clicked Save Button
, Clicked Like
, Activated Theme
Tracks Naming Conventions
Event names should be prefixed by calypso_
to make it easy to easy to identify when analyzing the data with our various analytics tools.
Each token in the event and property names should be separated by an underscore (_
), not spaces or dashes.
In order to keep similar events grouped together when output in an alphabetized list (as is typical with ananlytics tools), put the verb at the end of the event name:
If we had instead used calypso_add_cart_product
and calypso_remove_cart_product
for example, then they'd likely be separated in a list of all the event names.
Finally, for consistency, the verb at the end should not be in the form add
, remove
, view
, click
, etc and not adds
, added
, adding
, etc.
With the exception of separating tokens with underscores, these rules do not apply to property names. coupon_code
is perfectly fine.