Authentication and Authorization module of HTTP/MQTT/CoAP Brokers based on NodeJS for IoT or Internet of Things.
Authentication and Authorization Module for Brokers
Authentication and Authorization module of HTTP/MQTT/CoAP Brokers based on NodeJS for IoT or Internet of Things. This repo is under development.
Getting Started
- Install Keycloak locally. Make sure it's working.
- If you want to run a test locally, clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/authbroker/authbroker
cd authbroker
npm install
bash run-test.sh
# visit http://localhost:8080
# with username 'admin' and password 'admin'
npm run test
# for stopping docker instance you use this
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=authbroker:test --format="{{.ID}}")
It runs Keycloak by docker and import demo data to IOT_Realm realm. An example Broker runs that used auhtBroker by:
node ./example/broker.js
these below commands Subscribe and Publish to broker.
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1883 -t garden/fan -u admin -P admin
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t garden/fan -m "hello world" -u admin -P admin
if username/password or authorization permission in Keycloak changes, authBroker authorization will not permitted to broker. for example change topic to unauthorized topic like garden/unathorized and see how broker reject it.
How Using it
This module use Node-style callback and it can be used with different brokers like Aedes.
const aedes = require("aedes")({
persistence: new require("aedes-persistence")()
const server = require("net").createServer(aedes.handle);
const port = 1883;
const authBroker = require('@authbroker/authbroker');
const config = {
"realm": "IOT_Realm",
"authUrl": "http://localhost:8080/auth",
"sslRequired": "external",
"clientId": "authBroker",
"verifyTokenAudience": true,
"credentials": {
"secret": "secret"
"confidentialPort": 0,
"policyEnforcer": {},
"mqttpubScope": "scopes:mqttpub", // scope text for pub permission
"mqttsubScope": "scopes:mqttsub", // scope text for pub permission
"mqttResPerfix": "res:" // prefix text for resource or topic
const authbroker = new authBroker(config)
// hook it up
aedes.authenticate = authbroker.authenticate();
aedes.authorizeSubscribe = authbroker.authorizeSubscribe();
aedes.authorizePublish = authbroker.authorizePublish();
server.listen(port, function () {
console.log("server listening on port", port);
It's necessary to set these scopes in Authorization section in Keycloak. By defualt 'scopes:mqttpub' is set for Publish permission and 'scopes:mqttsub' is set for Subscription permission.
Users can Publish or Subscribe to resources which has a scope 'scopes:mqttpub' or 'scopes:mqttsub'.
run-test.sh script runs a preconfigured Keycloak Demo version that can be used as a template.
bash run-test.sh
then visit http://localhost:8080 with username 'admin' and password 'admin' in Admin console.
Anyone with interest in or experience with the following technologies are encouraged to join the project. And if you fancy it, join the Telegram group here for Devs and say Hello!
Authors / Contributors
Credits / Inspiration
- Matteo Collina for Mosca, Aedes, Ponte (https://github.com/moscajs/aedes)
- Eugenio Pace for Auth0 Mosca inspiration (https://github.com/eugeniop/auth0mosca)
MIT - Copyright (c) 2019-2022 ioKloud