Āut is an expandable protocol for Role-based Membership in Web3 Communities & DAOs.
Āut Protocol - Smart Contracts
Āut is an expandable protocol for Role-based Membership in Web3 Communities & DAOs.
DAOs can be much more than Smart Treasuries, Āut introduces native Roles & Interactions directly at contract level, to power the 2nd generation of DAOs. The DAO 2.0s, or a Coordination Renaissance.
To read more about Āut, visit our Docs. Below, you'll find a simple walkthrough to get started using Āut's Smart Contracts.
Create .env file and put your testing private key there
Install dependencies
npm install
Compile the smart contracts
npm run compile
In a separate terminal (optional)
npx hardhat node
Run tests (optional)
npm run test
You're ready to go! 🚀🚀🚀
Recommendation: If you're building on top of the Aut Protocol Contracts, we strongly recommend running them locally and testing on Hardhat Network/Ganache Network before moving forward with a testnet deployment.
Resources: 🍫 🍫 🍫 Ganachere sources: https://trufflesuite.com/docs/ganache/ 🎩 🎩 🎩 Hardhat sources: https://hardhat.org/tutorial
Deployments (locally or not)
- Select your desired network in hardhat.config.json under default network
- Run
npm run deployAutID
and store the output address of AutID - Run
npm run deployDAOExpanderFactory
and store the output address of DAOExpanderFactory - Run
npm run deployDAOTypes
and store the addresses DAO Types of all the Checkers and Types - Deploy DAOExpanerRegistry:
4.1. Replace autIDAddr, daoTypesAddr and daoExpanderFactoryAddr in deployDAOExpanderRegistry.js 4.2. Runnpm run deployDAOExpanderRegistry
Tip: If you're expanding the DAO Types that the product supports, for testing purposes, you can add it to /scripts/deployDAOTypes.js
const YourMembershipChecker = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("YourMembershipChecker");
const yourMembershipChecker = await YourMembershipChecker.deploy();
await yourMembershipChecker.deployed();
await (await daoTypes.addNewMembershipChecker(yourMembershipChecker.address)).wait();
Happy hacking on āut contracts 🤓 🤓 🤓 !!
Useful commands
npm run compile
npm run test
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help