Web SDK for Atrys Integrations
Atrys SDK for integrations
The purpose of this project is to deliver a SDK to consume the resources present in the Atrys teleconsultation platform (Inmediate and Sheduled Appointments), exposing a series of methods to perform the necessary requests to the several backends.
Patient model
At the moment of making an integration with the teleconsultation platform, the patient model with which you work must be clearly exposed, so that our rules engine can "translate" your model into Atrys patient model, this process is one of the initial ones at the beginning of the commercial/technical relationship.
This SDK has been published in the following link so that it is available for use (javascript in browser)
Environment Setups
For use the SDK you must use one of the Atrys Environments (Countries), the valid strings are:
PROD-BR: Brasil
PROD-ES: Spain
PROD-CO: Colombia
PROD-CL: Chile
For integration yo need to replace the PROD string for INT
Javscript Basic Example
Inmediate medical apppointment.
<script src="https://cdn.mit.telemedicina.com/atrys-sdk.js" type="module"></script>
<script type="module">
try {
const mit = new MIT('TEST', '');
const integrationClientIdentificator = 'EXAMPLE';
mit.sharedData.integrationClientIdentificator = integrationClientIdentificator
console.log('MIT', mit);
const session = await mit.session()
console.log('SESSION', session);
const req = await mit.normalizeModel({
"from": integrationClientIdentificator,
"payload": {
"GeolocationData": {
"Country": "AR",
"State": "Buenos Aires",
"City": "DHJ",
"Latitude": "-34.5618913",
"Longitude": "-58.4617484",
"Address": "Test 123",
"Extra": ""
"BeneficiaryData": {
"IdType": "DNI",
"IdNumber": "34567899",
"FirstName": "Test Test",
"LastName": "Test Test",
"IntPhoneCode": "54",
"PhoneNumber": "12345678",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"DateOfBirth": "2001-01-01",
"Language": "ES"
"CaseData": {
"CaseId": "637741353756375358",
"CaseNum": "637741353756375358"
console.log('patient normalized', req.data);
const newPatient = await mit.createPatient(req.data)
console.log('patient created', newPatient.data);
const login = await mit.login()
console.log('login', login.data);
const inmediate = await mit.reserveInmediateAppointment()
console.log('inmediate reserve', inmediate.data);
const consolidate = await mit.consolidateInmediateAppointment([])
console.log('inmediate consolidate', consolidate.data);
const appointmentPayload = await mit.getAppointmentIdByExternalId()
console.log("Get appointment by caseId OK", appointmentPayload);
const magicLink = mit.magicLink()
console.log('magic link', magicLink);
} catch (error) {
NPM Module
The npm site of the module can be found here
npm i -S @atrysglobal/mit-sdk
This class is a singleton to set and get information necessary for the use of both private and public internal methods.
the public properties are:
public environment: Environment = {
frontend: string,
backend: string,
public tokens: SessionTokens = {
mit: string,
atrysBackend: string,
atrysFrontEnd: string,
public patientId: string;
public patientUsername: string;
public patientPassword: string;
public appopintmentReservedId: string;
public mode: string;
public mode: publicKey;
public integrationClientIdentificator: string;
public integrationExternalId: string;
public errors: IErrors[];
@patientId: String patient id, this will be used when access is granted at login and the value will be set to sharedData.patientId.
@patientUsername: String patient's username, the value will be stored in the variable sharedData.patientUsername when the model is normalized and will also be used to generate the magic link.
@patientPassword: String patient's password, the value will be stored when normalizing the model in the variable sharedData.patientPassword and will be used during login.
@appopinmentReservedId: String Id of the reserved schedule, which will be stored in sharedData.appopintmentReservedId and will be used when the appointment is consolidated.
@mode: String integration mode. The value is defined in the constructor in the variable sharedData.mode, currently only SDK_PATIENT is enabled.
@publicKey: String public access key, which is defined in the constructor in the variable sharedData.publicKey and this is used when a request is made to obtain the session token.
@integrationClientIdentificator: String Unique identificator for integrated client, must be used in the payload.source when normelize patient endpoint is called.
@environment: Instance of Environmentss where the frontend and backend endpoints will be stored.
@tokens: Tokens instance that will be used to store the necessary tokens for the use of different methods.
@errors: Array of runtime errors catched by the SDK
One of the necessary variables that the client must set is integrationClientIdentificator.
When the MIT main class is instantiated, this variable must be set
const integrationClientIdentificator = 'clientName';
mit.sharedData.integrationClientIdentificator = integrationClientIdentificator
MIT(setup: string, publicKey: string);
@setup: String identificator for country of origin. Ex: CO, ES, CL, BR.
For integration and development, the value must be TEST
@publicKey: String of the public key for validate the origin of the request
session(): Promise<SessionInterface>;
Create a new session in our session service ang get a MIT Token
normalizeModel(clientPatientModel: any): Promise<any>;
Method for normalize the patient model for work with Atrys Backend
@clientPatientModel: Object with the patient data
Client Integration Model
Note: The previously set integrationClientIdentificator variable must be used here.
const clientPatientModel = {
"from": integrationClientIdentificator,
"payload": { ...the model patient used internally }
Here is an example of a payload model for integration:
"GeolocationData": {
"Country": "AR",
"State": "Buenos Aires",
"City": "DHJ",
"Latitude": "-34.5618913",
"Longitude": "-58.4617484",
"Address": "Test 123",
"Extra": ""
"BeneficiaryData": {
"IdType": "DNI",
"IdNumber": "34567899",
"FirstName": "Test Test",
"LastName": "Test Test",
"IntPhoneCode": "54",
"PhoneNumber": "12345678",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"DateOfBirth": "2001-01-01",
"Language": "ES"
"CaseData": {
"CaseId": "637741353756375358",
"CaseNum": "637741353756375358"
Atrys Normalized Patient Model (normalizedPatientModel). Example:
const normalizedPatientModel = await mit.normalizeModel(clientPatientModel)
The service returns internal model parsed for ready to use in Atrys backends.
"clinicId": string",
"identificationData": {
"isForeign": boolean,
"passport": string,
"dni": string
"personalData": {
"name": string,
"lastName": string,
"secondLastName": string,
"phoneNumber": string,
"email": string,
"breed": string,
"gender": string,
"birthdate": string,
"nacionality": string,
"healthInsurance": string,
"addressData": {
"uf": string,
"city": string,
"neighborhood": string,
"street": string,
"complement": string,
"streetNumber": string,
"zipcode": string,
"password": string,
"externalId": string,
createPatient(normalizedPatientModel: any): Promise<any>;
Method for create a new patient in the Atrys Backend.
@normalizedPatientModel: Object with the patient data model normalized by our RuleEngine. Normalized model must look like Atrys patient model exposed below.
login(): Promise<any>;
Login method for authenticate the user in Atrys Backend
listProfessionals(): Promise<any>;
List all professional present in the selected backend by setup variable in session method.
listSpecialties(specialtyId: string): Promise<any>;
Method for list the specialties derived by a main specialty id. Ex: In medicine have general, family, cardiology, etc
@specialtyId: id of the main medical specialty
listBlocks(queryBlock: any): Promise<any>;
Method for list all available blocks for the selected professional.
"date" {
reserveSheduledAppointment(reservePayload: any): Promise<any>;
Method for reserve a new scheduled appointment.
consolidateSheduledAppointment(symptoms: string[]): Promise<any>;
Method for consolidate previous reserved appointment. @symptoms: array of symptoms
reserveInmediateAppointment(): Promise<any>;
Method for reserve a new inmediate appointment.
consolidateInmediateAppointment(symptoms: string[]): Promise<any>;
Method for consolidate previous inmediate appointment.
magicLink(): string;
Method for create the magic link for deliver to clients for passwordless login acces to Atrys platform.
getAppointmentIdByExternalId(): Promise<any>;
Method that gets the id of an appointment by the external id of the patient. (or get appointment id by external integration id)
The project can be built to run as SDK in the browser or to be used in BackEnd in a nodejs microservice for example.
To build the SDK for the browser, after build the SDK is available in dist folder
npm run build
To build the SDK for backend, after build the SDK is available in lib folder.
npm run build-package