Atomist utilities for creating formatted Slack messages
Node.js module that helps to create well-formatted
Slack messages sent through the @atomist
bot from your
software delivery machine (SDM). This module also facilitates adding
actions to your Slack messages that execute SDM commands.
Support for sending Slack Block messages is also supported.
See the Atomist documentation for more information on what SDMs are and what they can do for you using the Atomist API for software.
Construct a message as a plain map following the Slack message formatting API.
import { SlackMessage } from "@atomist/slack-messages";
// A very simple message
const msg: SlackMessage = { text: "Simple message" };
import {
} from "@atomist/slack-messages";
// Here is an example of a message with a Slack action (button).
const msg: SlackMessage = {
text: `${url(user.url, "@" + user.name)} opened issue: ${url(issue.url, issue.title)}`,
attachments: [
text: escape(issue.body),
fallback: escape(issue.title),
mrkdwn_in: ["text"],
actions: [
text: "Close issue",
type: "button",
name: "closeissue",
value: "somebuttonid",
callback_id: "cllbck1",
And then render the message with render(msg)
. This will construct a
JSON string representation of the message:
import { render } from "@atomist/slack-messages"
const renderedMsg = render(msg);
or to produce a pretty JSON string:
const renderedMsg = render(msg, true);
This will produce the following JSON string (pretty version):
"text": "<https://github.com/anna|@anna> opened issue: <https://github.com/someorg/somerepo/issues/484|This issue title contains <unsafe> characters and &>",
"attachments": [
"text": "This is a very important issue with body containing <unsafe> characters and even &",
"fallback": "This issue title contains <unsafe> characters and &",
"mrkdwn_in": [
"callback_id": "cllbck1",
"actions": [
"text": "Close issue",
"type": "button",
"name": "rug",
"value": "somebuttonid"
Note that the render
function will automatically assign a unique
to each attachments that has actions. But, if you
provide your custom callback_id
it will be preserved as is.
Additional helper functions
Special characters
escape("Slack requires you to escape <, > and &");
// => "Slack requires you to escape <, > and &"
// Simple link
// => "<https://www.atomist.com>"
// Link with label
url("https://www.atomist.com", "atomist");
// => "<https://www.atomist.com|atomist>"
User & channel links
// @some-user (Slack will display user name for provided user ID)
// => "<@U123>"
// #some-channel (Slack will display channel name for provided channel ID)
// => "<#C123>"
Special variables
// @channel
// => "<!channel>"
// @here
// => "<!here>"
// @everyone
// => "<!everyone>"
// => ":smile:";
Slack will render markdown if field where markdown is present is
included in mrkdwn_in
bold("This text will appear bold");
// => "*This text will appear bold*"
italic("This text will appear italic");
// => "_This text will appear italic_"
strikethrough("This text will appear strike-through");
// => "~This text will appear strike-through~"
// Single line code block
codeLine("var a = new A();");
// => "`var a = new A();`"
// Multi line code block
codeBlock("var a = new A();\nvar b = new B();");
// => "```var a = new A();\nvar b = new B();```"
// List
listItem("Item 1");
// => "• Item 1"
GitHub to Slack markdown conversion
GitHub and Slack markdown are different enough to make your GitHub
issues or GitHub PRs look quite bad in Slack by default. You can use
the githubToSlack
function from Markdown
to convert text that uses
GitHub markdown to text that will look good in Slack:
import { githubToSlack } from "@atomist/slack-messages"
githubToSlack("* list item 1\n* list item 2\n\**some bold text** and *some italic text* with a link [click here](http://someplace.com)");
// => "• list item 1\n• list item 2\n*some bold text* and _some italic text_ with a link <http://someplace.com|click here>"
General support questions should be discussed in the #help
channel in the Atomist community Slack workspace.
If you find a problem, please create an issue.
You will need to install Node.js to build and test this project.
Build and test
Install dependencies.
$ npm install
Use the build
package script to compile, test, lint, and build the
$ npm run build
Releases are handled via the Atomist SDM. Just press the 'Approve' button in the Atomist dashboard or Slack.
Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack workspace.