Extension for capturing exceptions in automation clients and report them via Raven.JS
An extension to an Atomist automation-client to capture and report exceptions via Raven.JS.
- First install the dependency in your automation-client project
$ npm install @atomist/automation-client-ext-raven
- Install the support in your
import { configureRaven } from "@atomist/automation-client-ext-raven";
export const configuration: Configuration = {
postProcessors: [
- Add configuration to your client configuration
"raven": {
"enabled": true,
"dsn": "<your dsn>"
General support questions should be discussed in the #support
channel on our community Slack team
at atomist-community.slack.com.
If you find a problem, please create an issue.
You will need to install [node][] to build and test this project.
To run tests, define a GITHUB_TOKEN to any valid token that has repo access. The tests will create and delete repositories.
Define GITHUB_VISIBILITY=public if you want these to be public; default is private. You'll get a 422 response from repo creation if you don't pay for private repos.
Build and Test
Command | Reason
------- | ------
npm install
| install all the required packages
npm run build
| lint, compile, and test
npm run lint
| run tslint against the TypeScript
npm run compile
| compile all TypeScript into JavaScript
npm test
| run tests and ensure everything is working
npm run clean
| remove stray compiled JavaScript files and build directory
To create a new release of the project, update the version in
package.json and then push a tag for the version. The version must be
of the form M.N.P
where M
, N
, and P
are integers that form the
next appropriate semantic version for release. The version
in the package.json must be the same as the tag. For example:
$ npm version 1.2.3
$ git tag -a -m 'The ABC release' 1.2.3
$ git push origin 1.2.3
The Travis CI build (see badge at the top of this page) will publish the NPM module and automatically create a GitHub release using the tag name for the release and the comment provided on the annotated tag as the contents of the release notes.
Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack team.