Stylelint plugin for use with the Atlassian Design System.
Design System Stylelint Plugin
This plugin contains rules that should be used when working with the Atlassian Design System.
yarn add @atlaskit/stylelint-design-system -D
Add the plugin to your Stylelint configuration file.
// .stylelintrc.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
+ '@atlaskit/stylelint-design-system',
Enable any desired rules.
module.exports = {
rules: {
+ 'design-system/ensure-design-token-usage': { color: true, spacing: true },
+ 'design-system/no-deprecated-design-token-usage': true,
+ 'design-system/no-unsafe-design-token-usage': [true, { shouldEnsureFallbackUsage: true }]
Rules will come with fixers where possible. For individual rules see the rules
folder, however its strongly recommended to use the rules as above. You can read more about
configuring Stylelint in their documentation.
- This plugin has been tested and confirmed working with Stylelint versions 8.0.0 → 14.6.0.
- The VS Code Stylelint plugin no longer supports Stylelint versions 13.x and below. It currently still seems to work but use with caution.
- Due to Stylelint limitations, autofix can not be applied to problems individually. Instead
autofixing needs to process an entire file, either by using the through VS Code Stylelint plugin
Stylelint: Fix all auto-fixable Problems
or using command linenpx stylelint path/to/file --fix
- Due to Stylelint limitations, each problem will only be "squiggly underlined" on the first character. Stylelint does not provide a character range of the problem to the VS Code plugin.