Handful MINA testing utilx to be used alongside with zkapp-cli generated projects
Mina Testing Utils
This repository contains a set of utilities for testing Mina zkapps:
- Custom jest matchers
- An interactive debugger to interact with locally deployed contracts
- A contract (gates) sizer
node +18
(nvm recommended)[email protected].*
In order to use this tool, you should install it as a dev dependency on your existing project, for example, one created using zkcli-app
npm --save-dev install @atixlabs/mina-testing-utils
Using Jest matchers
Import it in your tests as follows:
// Import to extend the matchers
import '@atixlabs/mina-testing-utils';
describe('my test', () => {
it('some test', async () => {
// Matchers are automatically recognized by jest
You can refer to contract.test.ts for a running example.
Using the interactive debugger
After installing the package, you can run the interactive debugger as follows:
import { Field, SmartContract, state, State, method } from 'o1js';
* Basic Example
* See https://docs.minaprotocol.com/zkapps for more info.
* The Add contract initializes the state variable 'num' to be a Field(1) value by default when deployed.
* When the 'update' method is called, the Add contract adds Field(2) to its 'num' contract state.
* This file is safe to delete and replace with your own contract.
export class Add extends SmartContract {
@state(Field) num = State<Field>();
init() {
@method update() {
const currentState = this.num.getAndAssertEquals();
const newState = currentState.add(2);
❯ npx mina-testing-utils repl
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Please load the Mina REPL context by executing .loadMina before running any commands.
mina-testing-utils> .loadMina
✔ Snarky loaded successfully! You can access it through the mina object.
mina-testing-utils> let { Add } = await import("/Projects/yourProject/build/src/Add.js")
mina-testing-utils> let { priv: zkAppPrivateKey, pub: zkAppAddress } = mina.genKeyPair();
mina-testing-utils> let zkApp = new Add(zkAppAddress);
mina-testing-utils> let { privateKey: deployerKey, publicKey: deployerAccount } = mina.testAccounts[0];
mina-testing-utils> let txn = await mina.o1js.Mina.transaction(deployerAccount, () => {
mina-testing-utils> await txn.prove();
mina-testing-utils> await txn.sign([deployerKey, zkAppPrivateKey]).send();
mina-testing-utils> console.log("Stored number in state is: ", zkApp.num.get().toString())
Stored number in state is: 1
See it in action:
Using the contract sizer
This tool also allows you to keep track of the amount of gates the contracts you create are creating thus giving an idea of the complexity it will involve using them. To try it, run:
npx mina-testing-utils circuits-sizer build/src/test-contract.js
Bear in mind you need to compile them first (if zkapp-cli
is being used, it should be npm run build
See it in action:
nodejs +18
npm install
npm test
Trying on a zkapp-cli local app
Note: npm link seems to be messing around with o1js import resulting in multiple errors therefore follow this steps in order to use a local version of this lib:
# generate your zkapp as you would do normally, see https://docs.minaprotocol.com/zkapps/how-to-write-a-zkapp
zk example
# build the library
npm run build
# generate a tar file in any folder as pleased
npm run dev-pack -- --pack-destination /tmp/
# install the library in your zkapp
cd example && npm install --save-dev /tmp/mina-testing-utils-0.0.1.tgz