parse Bluesky's (extended) rich text syntax
parse Bluesky's rich text syntax, with added support for emotes, escapes, and Markdown-like links.
const result = tokenize(`hello @bsky.app! check out my [website](https://example.com)`);
type: 'text',
raw: 'hello ',
text: 'hello ',
type: 'mention',
raw: '@bsky.app',
handle: 'bsky.app',
type: 'text',
raw: '! check out my ',
text: '! check out my ',
type: 'link',
raw: '[website](https://example.com)',
text: 'website',
url: 'https://example.com',
whitespace trimming can be done by using the following regular expression before passing to the tokenizer, and afterwards for text on Markdown-like links:
/^\s+|\s+$| +(?=\n)|\n(?=(?: *\n){2}) */g;
autolink trimming can be done like so:
const safeUrlParse = (href: string): URL | null => {
const url = URL.parse(text);
if (url !== null) {
const protocol = url.protocol;
if (protocol === 'https:' || protocol === 'http:') {
return url;
return null;
const TRIM_HOST_RE = /^www\./;
const PATH_MAX_LENGTH = 16;
const toShortUrl = (href: string): string => {
const url = safeUrlParse(href);
if (url !== null) {
const host =
(url.username ? url.username + (url.password ? ':' + url.password : '') + '@' : '') +
url.host.replace(TRIM_HOST_RE, '');
const path =
(url.pathname === '/' ? '' : url.pathname) +
(url.search.length > 1 ? url.search : '') +
(url.hash.length > 1 ? url.hash : '');
if (path.length > PATH_MAX_LENGTH) {
return host + path.slice(0, PATH_MAX_LENGTH - 1) + '…';
return host + path;
return href;