- esbuild npm module - JS Wrapper -> Go code that does actual transpiling and bundling - esbuild-wasm npm module - wasm short for WebAssembly - feature supported in modern browsers allowing us to execute compiled c, c++, c#, rust, golang c
About ESBuild
- esbuild npm module
- JS Wrapper -> Go code that does actual transpiling and bundling
- esbuild-wasm npm module
- wasm short for WebAssembly
- feature supported in modern browsers allowing us to execute compiled c, c++, c#, rust, golang codes
- Small amount of JS, code that interacts with our app
- WASM binaries -> compiled golang bundler that can work in the browser
- esbuild is written in go and as we can’t run go in a browser, esbuild is compiled to web assembly binaries which can be executed inside the browser! -> runs super quickly
- wasm short for WebAssembly