The AsyncAPI generator. It can generate documentation, code, anything!
Generator is a tool that you can use to generate whatever you want basing on the AsyncAPI specification file as an input. For more information read the docs.
There is a large number of templates that are ready to use and are officially supported by the AsyncAPI Initiative.
List of official generator templates
| Template Name | Description | Source code |
| --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @asyncapi/nodejs-template
| Generates Nodejs service that uses Hermes package | click here |
| @asyncapi/nodejs-ws-template
| Generates Nodejs service that supports WebSockets protocol only | click here |
| @asyncapi/java-template
| Generates Java JMS application | click here |
| @asyncapi/java-spring-template
| Generates Java Spring service | click here |
| @asyncapi/java-spring-cloud-stream-template
| Generates Java Spring Cloud Stream service | click here |
| @asyncapi/python-paho-template
| Generates Python service that uses Paho library | click here |
| @asyncapi/html-template
| Generates HTML documentation site | click here |
| @asyncapi/markdown-template
| Generates documentation in Markdown file | click here |
| @asyncapi/ts-nats-template
| Generates TypeScript NATS client | click here |
| @asyncapi/go-watermill-template
| Generates Go client using Watermill | click here |
| @asyncapi/dotnet-nats-template
| Generates .NET C# client using NATS | click here |
| @asyncapi/php-template
| Generates PHP client using RabbitMQ | click here |
| @asyncapi/dotnet-rabbitmq-template
| Generates .NET C# client using RabbitMQ | click here |
You can find above templates and the ones provided by the community in this list