Compose HOCs imperatively like async/await. No callback hell!
Compose HOCs imperatively like async/await. No callback hell!
Render props are amazing to make provide more functionality to your component. But once you need to stack a bunch of them you get what recalls a lot the callback hell.
{({ data }) =>
{({ mutate, reuslt })=>
Wait, we just mentioned "callback hell". So what if we had a function that would allow us to have a kind of sugar for continuation-passing-style? Or async/await feels.
And that's exactly what regenerator is, it just takes care of the callbacks for you. The whole code is roughly this:
import immutagen from 'immutagen'
export default component => props => {
const generator = immutagen(component);
const compose = context => {
const value = context.value;
return typeof value === "function"
? value({
children: values => compose(context.next(values))
: value;
return compose(generator(props));
How is this different from Suspense?
Suspense only allows you to evalulate a promise once. It does not allow you to trigger a re-render for a state update. And with regenerator you can even use Formik, Apollo optimistic, React Powerplug and Smalldots tooling and etc!
Steps to get it running
Install the deps
yarn install
Boot the demo
yarn start
Things missing that we would like a little help
- [ ] Tests
- [ ] TypeScript support