Template Fetcher and Parser from s3
Astro Template Fetcher
This is a standalone npm package to fetch the template from s3 depending upon the parameters provided.
Steps to use
- Include this package in startup boot or app.js and invoke build method, passing configuration:
region (required)
folderName (required)
accessKeyId (optional)
secretAccessKey (optional)
- Where ever you need to get the template, please use these methods,
raw(params) : if you need to fetch the raw template without any modification or data injection
interpolate(params, data) : if you need to inject the data into template, pass it in this function
params: stores the information related to the template which needs to be fetched
- entity: what entity a template belongs to, eg: partner
- entityId: the unique identifier of entity, eg: partnerCode/partnerId of partner
- category: what kind of template you want, email, sms or any other
- type: what kind of template, registration, verification or any other
- language: template language
data: contains the information which needs to be replaced
const TemplateFetcher = require('@astro-my/template-fetcher'); TemplateFetcher.build({ region: process.env.region, accessKeyId: process.env.accessKeyId, secretAccessKey: process.env.secretAccessKey }); // to fetch raw template const template = await TemplateFetcher.raw({ entity: 'partner', entityId: 'partnerCode', language: 'fr', category: 'email', type: 'verification' }); // to fetch interpolated template const template = await TemplateFetcher.interpolate({ entity: 'partner', entityId: 'partnerCode', language: 'fr', category: 'email', type: 'verification' }, { username: 'rahul' });