Markdown generator for API documentation
A library to generate a mark down files documentation from joi file. The output will be in md format.
Usage: Define your joi validator class
You can install the package globally or just include them in the scripts in the package.json
"apidocs": "astro-markdown-generator -v ./src -o ./docs"
-s is the source path of validators
-o is the location of the markdown file will be generated
-d if you are running deprecated version of joi
Example for multiple validator file
const Joi = require('joi')
const JoiPhone = Joi.extend(require('joi-phone-number'))
module.exports = {
name: 'login',
description: 'Login API',
path: '/login',
type: 'post',
deprecated: false,
cors: true,
enableApiGatewayCaching: true,
cacheSchema: {
query: ['id', 'packageAsset'],
params: ['detailId'],
headers: ['auth']
JoiSchema: {
query: Joi.object({
id: Joi.string(),
packageAsset: Joi.string()
}).xor('id', 'packageAsset'),
body: Joi.object({
fname: Joi.string().required()
params: Joi.object({
detailId: Joi.string().required()
headers: Joi.object({
auth: Joi.string().required()
response: {
200: {
description: "successfully login",
header: Joi.object().keys({
Authorization: Joi.string().required()
body: Joi.object().keys({
resultMessage: Joi.string().required(),
resultDescription: Joi.string().required(),
body: Joi.object().keys({
accessToken: Joi.string().required(),
refreshToken: Joi.string().required()
400: {
description: "invalid request body",
body: Joi.object().keys({
resultMessage: Joi.string().required(),
resultDescription: Joi.string().required()
401: {
description: "invalid credential",
body: Joi.object().keys({
resultMessage: Joi.string().required(),
resultDescription: Joi.string().required()