Rollup multiple .scss, .sass and .css imports
Rollup multiple .scss, .sass and .css imports
WARNING: This is a fork with some changes required for personal needs.
New features includes:
- remove
from dependencies, auto-recognizesass
library from installed modules - generate source map for build
If my PR will be merged or similar functionality will be implemented in original project, this project will be deleted without notice.
# Rollup v0.60+ and v1+
npm install --save-dev @astappiev/rollup-plugin-scss
# Rollup v0.59 and below
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-scss@0
Since v3, you have to install Sass compiler manually:
# Node Sass (deprecated)
npm install --save-dev node-sass
# Dart Sass
npm install --save-dev sass
If any of them is installed, it will be used automatically, if both installed node-sass
will be used.
// rollup.config.js
import scss from 'rollup-plugin-scss'
export default {
input: 'input.js',
output: {
file: 'output.js',
format: 'esm'
plugins: [
scss() // will output compiled styles to output.css
// entry.js
import './reset.scss'
Options are passed to the sass compiler (node-sass by default). Refer to the Sass docs for more details on these options.
One notable option is indentedSyntax
which you'll need if you're parsing Sass syntax instead of Scss syntax. (e.g. when extracting a Vue <style lang="sass">
By default the plugin will base the filename for the css on the bundle destination.
// Choose *one* of these possible "output:..." options
// Default behaviour is to write all styles to the bundle destination where .js is replaced by .css
output: true,
// Filename to write all styles to
output: 'bundle.css',
// Callback that will be called ongenerate with two arguments:
// - styles: the contents of all style tags combined: 'body { color: green }'
// - styleNodes: an array of style objects: { filename: 'body { ... }' }
output: function (styles, styleNodes) {
writeFileSync('bundle.css', styles)
// Disable any style output or callbacks, import as string
output: false,
// Enables/disables generation of source map (default: false)
sourceMap: true,
// Choose files to include in processing (default: ['/**/*.css', '/**/*.scss', '/**/*.sass'])
include: [],
// Choose files to exclude from processing (default: undefined)
exclude: [],
// Determine if node process should be terminated on error (default: false)
failOnError: true,
// Prefix global scss. Useful for variables and mixins.
prefix: `@import "./fonts.scss";`,
// A Sass (node-sass compatible) compiler to use
// - node-sass and sass packages are picked up automatically
// - you can use this option to specify custom package (e.g. a fork of one of them)
sass: require('sass'),
// Run postcss processor before output
processor: () => postcss([autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: "Edge 18" })]),
// Process resulting CSS
processor: (css, map) => ({ css: css.replace('/*date*/', '/* ' + new Date().toJSON() + ' */'), map }),
// Add file/folder to be monitored in watch mode so that changes to these files will trigger rebuilds.
// Do not choose a directory where rollup output or dest is pointed to as this will cause an infinite loop
watch: 'src/styles/components',
watch: ['src/styles/components', 'src/multiple/folders'],
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Contributions and feedback are very welcome.
To get it running:
- Clone the project.
npm install
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.