a higher level wrapper for cloud provisioning APIs
title: "@ashnazg/precipitator" sidebar_label: "precipitator"
var ec2 = require('@ashnazg/precipitator/create-ec2.js'); // ~/projects/ashnazg-npm/precipitator/create-ec2.js
var setup = require('@ashnazg/precipitator/ssh-setup.js'); // ~/projects/ashnazg-npm/precipitator/ssh-setup.js
async function exampleLibUsage() {
ec2.init('us-west-2'); // if you don't init() with your desired region, it'll default to us-west-2
var disk_in_gigs = 8;
var tags = {Name: 'server label Name'};
var conf = ec2.createConfig(tags, {
InstanceType: 't3a.nano',
ImageId: 'ami-06e54d05255faf8f6',
KeyName: '[email protected]',
// SubnetId: 'subnet-6804e831', // if unspecified, AWS will pick from valid subnets
// SecurityGroupIds: ['sg-35137850'], // if unspecified, AWS will use your sg named 'default'
// these are the default and can be omitted:
// MinCount: 1,
// MaxCount: 1
}, disk_in_gigs);
try {
var definition = await ec2.createEC2(conf); // note that Name is just a tag; I'm going to actually set up DNS/certs in a later call.
var {url, ip} = definition;
// url is a convenience link to the aws ec2 console with this server selected in the filters.
// there's also regurgitations of {conf, opts} so that you can associate the results with the inputs you gave
// {create_resp, describe_resp} are the full AWS responses for those api calls; {meta} is a shortcut to just the instance description itself.
} catch (e) {
try {
var sudo_user = 'ubuntu';
var {package_manager} = await setup.waitForReadiness(definition, sudo_user, {tries: 10, retry_delay: 5, initial_delay: 0, verbosity: 0});
// waitForReadiness returns the same definition except that it's added 'yum' or 'apt-get' as {package_manager}
} catch (e) {
console.error("could not reach new ec2:");