AES encription/decription library for my use
Helper classes for my use to encrypt/decrypt binary data and string data using a password.
Install using npm
npm i @ashiteam/ashi-aes --save
The password to use for encryption/decryption can be passed in the constructor or as an optional parameter to the encrypt/decrypt functions.
To use, first import, create a variable and use as follows
import AshiAesEncrypt from '@ashiteam/ashi-aes-encrypt';
import AshiAesDecrypt from '@ashiteam/ashi-aes-decrypt';
const aesEnc = new AshiAesEncrypt(somePasswordString);
const aesDec = new AshiAesDecrypt(somePasswordString);
const data = 'This is a test string to encrypt. This is a test string to encrypt. This is a test string to encrypt. This is a test string to encrypt';
const encData = await aesEnc.encryptTextAsync(data);
const decData = await aesDec.decryptTextAsync(encData);
console.log(decData == data ? 'All good' : 'ERROR');
To encrypt binarry data, use the encryptDataAsync & decryptDataAsync functions. You can pass in a Buffer and get back a Buffer to and from these functions.
const encBinaryData = aesEnc.encryptDataAsync(binaryData);
const decBinaryData = aesDec.decryptDataAsync(encBinaryData);
To pass the password to the functions, do as follows
import AshiAesEncrypt from '@ashiteam/ashi-aes-encrypt';
import AshiAesDecrypt from '@ashiteam/ashi-aes-decrypt';
const aesEnc = new AshiAesEncrypt('');
const aesDec = new AshiAesDecrypt('');
const encData = await aesEnc.encryptTextAsync(data, somePasswordString);
const decData = await aesDec.decryptTextAsync(encData, somePasswordString);
Some Implementation Details
The key used for encryption/decryption is a 256 bit key generated using pbkdf2 using a random salt of 16 bytes long using 100 iterations. The 100 iterations is the default, this however can be changed to a different value by setting the iterations property.
When encrypting:
- The random salt is stored as the firs 16 bytes of the output.
- A randome iv of 16 bytes is generated and used and stored as the second 16 bytes of the output.
- The encrypted data is stored starting from the 32nd byte
When decrypting:
- The salt from the first 16 bytes are used to generate the key
- The second 16 bytes are used as the initial vector (iv)
Data encrypted using other tools or languages (such as Java, C#, ...) can be decrypted by this code (and vice versa) provided the salt & iv are stored as the first 32 bytes, and the key is generated as mentiond above.
- Asanga Weerapura - All work
This project is licensed under the ISC License.
- node-forge
- buffer