[config example format] PARAMETER=VALUE
#. clone this project to your pc/mac #. cd in to the project #. npm link #. go to the project you want to use it #. npm link ae-electron-modules #. require('ae-electron-modules') in your entry file (in electron is called renderer.js) #. magic happens
[config example format] PARAMETER=VALUE
[in application] config('PARAMETER', default_value) will return "VALUE"
[in entry file] let { debugTool, configTool, downloadSync, analyticSync, } = require('ae-electron-modules');
let ds = new downloadSync(); let ct = new configTool(); let dt = new debugTool(); let as = new analyticSync();
[get local config folder path] ct.path
#. Test downloadSync electron module with a mocking server for testing the download sync. A very simple one.
in the ae-electron-modules directory run
node dummyApi
then the api will be localhost:3000/version (for the downloadSync set up) and if you want to see what happen if data updated, you can use a browser to open localhost:3000/update and data will get updated