Collection of tools to work with async functions.
Async tools
Collection of tools to work with async funcions in javascript.
If you are using a npm managed project use:
npm install @asanrom/async-tools
If you are using it in the browser, download the minified file from the Releases section and import it to your html:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/async-tools.js"></script>
The browser library exports all artifacts to the window global: AsyncTools
Async Interval
Interval that waits for the async function to end before runnng it again. Prevent multiple simultaneous executions.
Example use case: Async periodic task
import { AsyncInterval } from "@asanrom/async-tools";
const interval = new AsyncInterval(async function () {
await doSomethingAsync();
}, 1000 /* Milliseconds */);
interval.on("error", error => {
// If the promise is rejected it will emit
// and error event. If you want the interval to continue
// when this happens, you have to assign an error handler
interval.start(); // Start the interval
interval.stop(); // Stops / Clears the interval
Async Queue
Queue with an async item handler.
- Items are handled in order (FIFO)
- If the handler is an async function, it waits for it to finish before dispatching the next item
import { AsyncQueue } from "@asanrom/async-tools";
const queue = new AsyncQueue(
MAX_SIZE, // Max size of the queue or 0 for unlimited size
async function (item) { // Item handler
await doSomethingAsync(item)
queue.on("error", error => {
// If the promise is rejected it will emit
// and error event. If you want the queue to continue
// when this happens, you have to assign an error handler
const items = [1, 2, 3, 4];
items.forEach(item => {
// Use push(item) to push items to the queue
// They will be dispatched automatically
// Push will return false if the item was dropped
// We can check the size of the queue (number of items in it)
// Also we can check if it's full
// If we want to release the resources of the queue
// we can call destroy()
// It returns a promise that waits if there is an item
// in the mid of being handled
await queue.destroy();
Async Semaphore
Semaphore to create critical sections on async functions.
import { AsyncSemaphore } from "@asanrom/async-tools";
const sem = new AsyncSemaphore(); // Without params, initial instances is 1 (Mutex)
const sem3Instances = new AsyncSemaphore(3); // 3 initial instances
// Acquire instances, if it can't acquire
// the promise will resolve when the instances are available
// it will reject if the semaphore is destroyed
await sem.acquire();
// Release instances and resolve the promises
// Rejects all promises waiting to acquire the semaphore
// After destroyed, it cannot be used anymore
Async Provider
Provides values asynchronously, allowing a function to await the value while other function eventually provides the value.
It also provides a timeout option to set a max time to wait for the value.
import { AsyncProvider } from "@asanrom/async-tools";
// Create a provider
const provider = new AsyncProvider(2000 /* Timeout in milliseconds as the constructor argument */);
server.on("message", msg => {
// You can asynchronously provide a value.
// For example, when an event is received
server.on("error", err => {
// You can also asynchronously provide an error
try {
// You can await for the value
// The promise will be resolved if 'provideValue' is called on time
// The promise will reject if the timeout is reached or 'provideError' is called
const value = await provider.getValue();
console.log("Value: " + value);
} catch (ex) {
if (AsyncProvider.isTimeoutError(ex)) { // Check if the error is a timeout error
// Timeout error
console.error("The value was not provided in time!");
} else {
// Provided error