Troisdchan a javascript library to display and manage a 3Dchan's dungeon. The goal of 3Dchan is to provide a 3D abstraction layer for data's, especially images and users, in the web browser.
3Dchan NPM library
It's a javascript library to display and manage a 3Dchan's dungeon. The goal of 3Dchan is to provide a 3D abstraction layer for data's, especially images and users, in the web browser. It's important to aknowledge than this version is an alpha and than the next even minor versions will probably introduce some method change.
Can send me some ETH here if you want me to maintain the lib: 0xDe83AE3bF150c7f23A0B4549fD8307592dbD4a79
npm i @asalvatore/troisdchan
Import the library
import TroisDchan, { BLOCK_SIZE } from '@asalvatore/troisdchan';
// Get a canvas view where put the 3Dview inside
const canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
// Instantiate the lib
const troisDchan = new TroisDchan(canvas,
(dataReceive) => {
console.log("dataReceive", dataReceive)
(dataToSendMethod) => {
console.log("dataToSendMethod", dataToSendMethod)
// Set the canvas HTML to fullscreen, with automatic resize
// Set the player position (x, y , z) are tile coordonates
// and the 0 is the direction (0 == north, 1 == east, etc.)
troisDchan.setPlayerPosition({x:4,y:0,z:-4}, 0);
Add a Block
// x, y , z are tile coordonate, they are automatically multiplied
// by the block size inside of the library
const x = 3;
const z = 3;
const y = 0;
const block = troisDchan.addBlock(
{x, y, z}, // position of the block
1, // ID of the type of the block
"" // name of the parent, if a name is provided we put it on top of it
// The method return the created block and you can get it name
The list of the bloc types and IDs
These value can be subject to changes
{ id:1, name: "Concrete", type: BLOCK_TYPE_WALL, u: 0, v: 0 },
{ id:2, name: "Brick", type: BLOCK_TYPE_WALL, u: 2, v: 0 },
{ id:3, name: "Elevator", type: BLOCK_TYPE_ELEVATOR, u: 4, v: 0 }, // Elevator goes up and down
{ id:4, name: "Grass", type: BLOCK_TYPE_WALL, u: 0, v: 1 },
Add art
const fileMesh = troisDchan.addFile({
fileData: "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKhh5iyVkAEQHd1?format=jpg&name=medium", // the URL or the base64
fileType:"image/", // the type of the file
fileName:"some file"
dir, // dir is optional (0 = north, 1 = east, 2 = south, 3 west)
block); // the parent block
Add a characters at a position
// X & y are tile coordonate, we mutiply them with the real size of a block
// if position not provided Art or characters are added on the selected object or place on the ground
const x = 1;
const z = 1;
troisDchan.addCharacter({ position: {x: x*BLOCK_SIZE , y:0 , z: z*BLOCK_SIZE}})
Import and export Map as a JSON object
You can see more example at the test.js file at the root of the project
- Loading and saving the map as a JSON object
- Signing levels with a wallet
- deploy on 3Dchan.net and offering hosting to 3Dchanner
- Work on texture, to manage characters avatar