DateTime object for easepick.
This package does not need to be installed if you are using @arwinvdv/bundle.
DateTime library for easepick
DateTime() constructor
Creates a JavaScript DateTime instance that represents a single moment in time.
Using: new DateTime(date, format, lang)
| argument | type | default value | description
| --- | :---: | :---: | ---
| date | Date string number | null | Date object or date string or number (unix timestamp).
| format | string | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | Required when you provide date
argument as string. Must match a string value for proper parsing.
| lang | string | 'en-US' | Affects month names (MMM
You can omit all arguments and call new DateTime()
. This will create a DateTime object represents the current date.
| name | arguments | description
| --- | --- | ---
| getWeek | - | Returns a week number of date
| clone | - | Returns a copy of date
| toJSDate | - | Returns Date object.
| inArray | (array, inclusivity) | Find DateTime object in passed DateTime array.
| isBetween | (date1, date2, inclusivity) | Check if a DateTime is between two other DateTime.
| isBefore | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is before another DateTime. unit
are day
, month
, year
| isSameOrBefore | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is before or the same as another DateTime. unit
are day
, month
| isAfter | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is after another DateTime.. unit
are day
, month
, year
| isSameOrAfter | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is after or the same as another DateTime. unit
are day
, month
| isSame | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is the same as another DateTime. unit
are day
, month
| add | (duration, unit) | Mutates the original DateTime by adding unit. unit
are day
, month
| subtract | (duration, unit) | Mutates the original DateTime by subtracting unit. unit
are day
, month
| diff | (date, unit) | Returns diff between two DateTime. unit
are day
, month
| format | (format, lang) | Format output. See tokens format for format
argument. lang
affects month names (MMM
Tokens format
Tokens are case-sensitive.
| | Token | Output | --- | :---: | --- | Day of Month | D | 1 2 … 30 31 | | DD | 01 02 … 30 31 | Month | M | 1 2 … 11 12 | | MM | 01 02 … 11 12 | | MMM | Jan Feb … Nov Dec | | MMMM | January February … November December | Year | YY | 70 71 … 29 30 | | YYYY | 1970 1971 … 2029 2030 | Hours (24 hour time) | H | 0 1 … 22 23 | | HH | 01 02 … 22 23 | Minutes | m | 1 2 … 58 59 | | mm | 01 02 … 58 59 | Seconds | s | 1 2 … 58 59 | | ss | 01 02 … 58 59