Tools to help you create a simple flux pattern
Flux is a design pattern facebook created to tackle problems they had with a standarad MCV structure. For them MVC did not scale well, flux should solve that.
Please read more on https://facebook.github.io/flux/
If you feel comfortable with you implementation of the pattern there is no reason why it couldnt work on a big scale. I have personally used these tools to implement a flux pattern on bigger projects, but... if you have a big project and you need well documented structure and way of working then you really should look at React and Redux instead of this.
These tools shine best if you have a small application and need some structure to take away many of the buggs and spagetti code. There tools are here to help you implementing a simple flux pattern that is great for SPA with allot of gui.
Please look at https://github.com/arwidt/fluxtools-example for a small example application using all the tools in this module.
Is used to edit the stateobject in you store object/class. Will merge two objects.
Will do a deep clone object, this is important to keep the main state object in the store and not pass a reference by mistake. Optimized and copied from https://jsperf.com/deep-cloning-of-objects/45
Will merge two objects. Optimized and copied from https://jsperf.com/deep-merge2/8
Will compare two objects and return the keys that differ, will work on any depth of object.
let a = {
abc: "ABC",
foo: {
bar: 123
let b = {
test: "TEST",
abc: "CBA",
foo: {
bar: "foobar"
deepObjectDiff(a, b)
result ----------
['test', 'abc', 'foo.bar']
Will compare two objects and return the keys that differ, will only give the keys on first level of the object.
let a = {
abc: "ABC",
foo: {
bar: 123
let b = {
test: "TEST",
abc: "CBA",
foo: {
bar: "foobar"
shallowObjectDiff(a, b)
result ----------
['test', 'abc', 'foo']
Will return all paths in a object.
test: "ABC"
foo: {
bar: "foobar"
result -------------
['test', 'foo', 'foo.bar']
Install all packages npm install
Run tests npm test
Run tests with watch for development npm run watch