Yet another (minimal) css modules plugin using parcels rust based lightningcss implementation. (Full support for `composes: mixin from "./mixin.module.css"`)
Yet another (minimal) css modules plugin using parcels rust based lightningcss implementation. (Full support for composes: mixin from "./mixin.module.css"
The plugin is already tested (on linux and mac) and used to build the following bigger project https://github.com/neos/neos-ui with around 100 css modules - it is inlined in the project though to reduce dependencies and maintaining burdens for now.
Yes sorry, i know there are a few implementions already out there:
- @asn.aeb/esbuild-css-modules-plugin
- esbuild-css-modules-plugin
- esbuild-plugin-css-modules
- esbuild-style-plugin
- esbuild-plugin-simple-css-modules
The problem is, they dindt suit my usecase as i needed support for css modules composes feature https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules#dependencies
composes: mixin from './mixin.module.css';
The above implementations mostly rely on post-cssmodules
and thus dont sucessfully support composition from dependencies as they suffer from this problem: https://github.com/g45t345rt/esbuild-style-plugin/issues/16 (The webpack css modules plugin goes to great lenghts to archieve it successfully)
With one exception: esbuild-css-modules-plugin
, this plugin uses also lightningcss as its core, but doesnt support composes yet and due to a more complex inject feature it is a bit more complex. I discussed with the maintainer if we would want to merge our two packages but due to limited time and different usecases (https://github.com/indooorsman/esbuild-css-modules-plugin/issues/53) im here to present my super simple implemented css module plugin for esbuild.
Available on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/esbuild-plugin-lightningcss-modules
yarn add esbuild-plugin-lightningcss-modules
const {cssModules} = require('esbuild-plugin-lightningcss-modules');
const {build} = require('esbuild');
plugins: [
// Add your own or other plugins in the "visitor" section see
// https://lightningcss.dev/transforms.html
// visitor: myLightningcssPlugin(),
// customAtRules: { myLigningCssRule1: {...} }
targets: {
chrome: 80 // aligns somewhat to es2020
drafts: {
nesting: true
// You can set here your own settings for cssModules
// https://lightningcss.dev/css-modules.html#local-css-variables
// https://lightningcss.dev/css-modules.html#custom-naming-patterns
// cssModules: {
// dashedIdents: true,
// pattern: 'my-company-[name]-[hash]-[local]'
// },
for further details look into: https://lightningcss.dev/css-modules.html
Advanced options
and excludeFilter
These options only exist for odd / legacy codebases.
Normally it is asummed that your css module files end with .module.css
If this is not the case, and they end with .css
while you still want to exclude certain normal css from beeing treated as css module you can leverage the two filters like this:
includeFilter: /\.css$/,
excludeFilter: /@fortawesome\/fontawesome-svg-core\/|my-normal-css-file\.css|normalize\.css/,