A single page frontend vanilla javascript framework that can implement virtual dom ,component reuse and easier to get started compared that to reactJS
pre-reactJS 😁
a JS Library that helps you make single page web apps with the sacred feature of dom manipulations.
Installation and create app
npm i @arpit078/preactjs
npx @arpit078/preactjs
## set in package.json => "type":"module"
node server
requirements for dev environment
- node and npm installed to run the cli script.
- install inline html and live server extensions from vs code extension store.
strong instructions
- do not delete Pages folder.
- Name your entry point file as Home.js or change it in the script/compile.js
- your page file and logic file should have the same name.
- to navigate to a certain page use the function named as the page. for eg to navigate to Contact page run Contact() anywhere link or routing point in your app like the navbar.
- whenever importing components always use extensions .js
- when calling a component in a file use call like a function -> "{Navbar()}"
- no other restriction on file naming only you need to make your entry file as Home.js and logic and pages files must have same names.