A POC to use trpc v9 with code navigation from client to server
A POC to use trpc v9 with an API inspired by the upcoming v10 that allows navigation from the client code to the server code.
The current implementations comes with a lot of limitations: no subscriptions, single level middleware, async type for resolver, no output validation and many other I'm probably missing.
Requires node >= v14.17.
yarn add @arnaud-barre/trpc-endpoints
First, you need to create endpoints which contains the code you would use in midelwares.
import { createEndpoint } from "@arnaud-barre/trpc-endpoints/server";
import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server";
export type UnauthContext = { user?: User }
export type AuthContext = { user: User }
export const unauthEndpoint = createEndpoint<UnauthContext, UnauthContext>();
export const authEndpoint = createEndpoint<
UnauthContext, // Context before middleware
AuthContext // Context after middleware
>(({ ctx, next }) => {
if (!ctx.user) throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" });
return next();
export const adminEndpoint = createEndpoint<
>(({ ctx, next }) => {
if (!ctx.user || !ctx.user.isAdmin) throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" })
return next();
Then use them to creates endpoints:
import { z } from "zod";
import { authEndpoint } from "../utils/endpoints.ts";
export const userMutations = {
"user.reset": authEndpoint({
input: z.object({ username: z.string() }),
resolve: async ({ ctx, input }) => {
// Implementation
"user.delete": authEndpoint({
input: z.object({ uuid: z.string() }),
resolve: async ({ ctx, input }) => {
// Implementation
export const userQueries = {
"user.list": authEndpoint({
resolve: ({ ctx }) => ctx.prisma.user.findMany(),
"user.get": authEndpoint({
input: z.object({ uuid: z.string().uuid() }),
resolve: ({ ctx, input }) =>
ctx.prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { uuid: input.uuid } })
Finally, merge all endpoints into an object and use it to create the trpc router
import { mergeEndpoints } from "@arnaud-barre/trpc-endpoints/server";
import { adminMutations, adminQueries } from "./api/admin";
import { userMutations, userQueries } from "./api/user";
const allEndpoints = {
queries: {
mutations: {
export type AllEndpoints = typeof allEndpoints;
const appRouter = mergeEndpoints(allEndpoints)
// .formatError( ... )
// .transformer(superjson)
This just a re-export of @trpc/react
but with useQuery
and useMutation
typed via AllEndpoints
import { createReactQueryHooks } from "@arnaud-barre/trpc-endpoints/react";
import type { AllEndpoints } from "../../server";
export const trpc = createReactQueryHooks<AllEndpoints>();