This authenticator is meant to be used with [Anchor](https://github.com/greymass/anchor/) and [Universal Authenticator Library](https://github.com/EOSIO/universal-authenticator-library). When used in combination with them, it gives developers the ability
UAL for Anchor Authenticator
This authenticator is meant to be used with Anchor and Universal Authenticator Library. When used in combination with them, it gives developers the ability to request transaction signatures through Anchor using the common UAL API.
Supported Environments
- The Anchor Authenticator only supports both Desktop and Mobile environments
Getting Started
yarn add ual-anchor
You must use one of the UAL renderers below.
React - ual-reactjs-renderer
PlainJS - ual-plainjs-renderer
Basic usage and configuration with React
import { Anchor } from 'ual-anchor'
import { UALProvider, withUAL } from 'ual-reactjs-renderer'
const eos = {
chainId: 'aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906',
rpcEndpoints: [{
protocol: 'https',
host: 'eos.greymass.com',
port: '443',
const App = (props) => <div>{JSON.stringify(props.ual)}</div>
const AppWithUAL = withUAL(App)
const anchor = new Anchor([eos], {
// Required: The app name, required by anchor-link. Short string identifying the app
appName: 'my-example-dapp',
// Optional: a @greymass/eosio APIClient from eosjs for both your use and to use internally in UAL
// client = new APIClient({ provider }),
// Optional: a JsonRpc instance from eosjs for your use
// rpc: new JsonRpc(),
// Optional: The callback service URL to use, defaults to https://cb.anchor.link
// service: 'https://cb.anchor.link',
// Optional: A flag to disable the Greymass Fuel integration, defaults to false (enabled)
// disableGreymassFuel: false,
// Optional: An account name on a Fuel enabled network to specify as the referrer for transactions
// fuelReferrer: 'teamgreymass',
// Optional: A flag to enable the Anchor Link UI request status, defaults to true (enabled)
// requestStatus: true,
// Optional: Whether or not to verify the signatures during user login, defaults to false (disabled)
// verifyProofs: false,
<UALProvider chains={[exampleNet]} authenticators={[anchor]}>
<AppWithUAL />