arena-liveblog-sdk is the official JavaScript client for Arena Liveblog, a service for building liveblog applications.
Arena Chat SDK
arena-chat-sdk is the official JavaScript client for Arena Chat, a service for building chat applications.
You can sign up for a Arena account at https://dashboard.arena.im/.
Install with NPM
npm install arena-chat-sdk
Install with Yarn
yarn add arena-chat-sdk
To initialize the SDK you'll need your site slug and a chat room slug and both can be obtained from the Arena Dashboard or using the Platform API.
import ArenaChat from '@arena-im/chat-sdk';
//for USA region
const arenaChat = new ArenaChat({apiKey: 'my-site-slug'});
//for EU region
const arenaChat = new ArenaChat({apiKey: 'my-site-slug', region: 'EU'});
Get Live Chat
A Live Chat is the main Chat Room that holds the channels. To get a Live Chat, use the exported methods of arenaChat
. It will return a LiveChat
// get a Live Chat with chat slug
const liveChatI = await arenaChat.getLiveChat(YOUR_CHAT_SLUG);
Get a Live Chat Channel Instance
To get the main Live Chat Channel, use the exported methods of liveChat
. It will return a Channel
// get the main channel
const channelI = await liveChatI.getMainChannel();
You can use a channel ID to retrieve a Channel
// get a channel by id
const channelI = await liveChatI.getChannel(YOUR_CHANNEL_ID);
The channel ID can be either, the Arena Channel ID or the External ID that you set when you are creating the Channel over the Arena API.
List all Live Chat's Channels
You can get the list of all channels data in your Live Chat using the export methods of liveChat
. It will return a list of LiveChatChannel
const channels = await liveChatI.getChannels()
Get Live Chat's Members
To get the members of a Live Chat, use the export methods of liveChat
. It will return a list of PublicUser
// array of PublicUser
const members = await liveChatI.getMembers();
Set User
To set a user, use the exported functions of arenaChat
// set current user
await arenaChat.setUser({
// ID of the user on your authentication system
id: "user-id",
name: "Ruby Sims",
image: "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/21.jpg",
// User metadata attached to the user object
metaData: {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
Send Message
To send a simple text message, you need to have a channel and a set user.
// send message
await channelI.sendMessage({text: 'Hello World!'});
You can send a message with a media URL attached to it.
// send message
await channelI.sendMessage({mediaURL: 'https://ps.w.org/arena-liveblog-and-chat-tool/assets/icon-256x256.png'});
Replying to a Message
To reply a message, you will inform the message ID you want to reply.
// replying to a message
await channelI.sendMessage({text: 'My reply', replyTo: MESSAGE_ID});
If you want to reply to a message with message.key = "Y1D7o00QbXDaapcjoBDH"
you have to call:
await channelI.sendMessage({text: 'My reply', replyTo: 'Y1D7o00QbXDaapcjoBDH'});
And then you will receive in the onMessageReceived
listener the following message with a replyMessage
"message": {
"text": "My reply"
"createdAt": 1608311250874,
"key": "ogdccUkf7D3utKuOf9mG",
"referer": "http://localhost:3000/",
"sender": {
"uid": "5ef364fe3bd61c000887ddc5",
"photoURL": "https://stationfy.imgix.net/cache/1593009406128-1.jpg",
"moderator": true,
"label": "MOD",
"displayName": "Naomi Carter"
"replyMessage": {
"createdAt": 1608211110985,
"sender": {
"displayName": "test",
"anonymousId": "-MOkqMjr_eH5SJRSNJrn",
"photoURL": "http://localhost:3000/public/imgs/icon-avatar-anonymous.svg"
"key": "Y1D7o00QbXDaapcjoBDH",
"message": {
"text": "test"
"referer": "http://localhost:8080/"
"changeType": "added"
To fetch recent messages, load previous messages, or listen to channel events, use the exported functions on channel
// receive the last 20 messages
const messages = await channelI.loadRecentMessages(20);
// receive the 5 previous messages
const previousMessages = await channelI.loadPreviousMessages(5);
// watch new messages
channelI.onMessageReceived((message) => {
// add message to the UI
// watch deleted messages
channelI.onMessageDeleted((message) => {
// remove message from the UI
// watch modified messages
channelI.onMessageModified((message) => {
// update message on the UI
Remove Listeners
// remove all listeners for new messages on the channel
// remove all listeners for deleted messages on the channel
// remove all listeners for modified message on the channel
// remove all listeners on the channel
To send a message reaction first, you have to define a MessageReaction
with a type (E.g. like
, dislike
, love
, etc), and the message ID message.key
. Then you can send a reaction on a channel.
import { MessageReaction } from '@arena-im/chat-types'
const reactionType = 'like';
const reaction: MessageReaction = {
type: reactionType,
messageID: message.key,
In the messages, you will have the number of reactions and whether the current user has reacted to these messages.
// total reactions in the message
const messageLikes: number = message.reactions[reactionType];
// whether the current user has reacted to the message
const currentUserReacted: boolean = message.currentUserReactions[reactionType]
If the "Request Moderator" option is enabled for your chat, users will be able to request to be moderators.
To understand how this flow works on the embedded chat room you can refer to this article.
You can "Request Moderator" by calling this function (it will request moderation for the logged-in user):
When moderation is granted to the user (via Dashboard or API), the user object will contain the isModerator
property set to true
. The current user, who's now a moderator, will be able to delete messages or ban users.
Note: The isModerator
property will only be true
after the next page refresh.
// delete a ChatMessage
// ban a message sender ChatMessageSender
To verify if the current user was banned, check the property isBanned
in the user object.
When a Q&A session is enabled for the Chat Room, you can implement the basic Q&A functionality using this module.
First you'll need to get the qnaProps
with your chatId
import Qna from '@/qna/qna.ts'
// get qna props
const qnaProps: QnaProps = await Qna.getQnaProps(chatId)
With props in hands, pass it to Qna constructor along with the qnaId
, the site
wich is defined in types and the previous defined arenaChat
// get instance of Qna
const qna = new Qna(qnaProps, qnaId, site, arenaChat)
Now is possible to start loading the previously created questions. Just pass a limit of questions to be loaded and the QnaQuestionFilter, wich is also defined in types. Both parameters are optional
const questions: [QnaQuestion] = await qna.loadQuestions(50, QnaQuestionFilter.RECENT)
Start adding new questions just by passing its contents
await qna.addQuestion("Which team shall win tonight?")
It's also possible to easily awnser a question by calling the following method
const questionId = questions[0].key
const isQuestionAwnsered: Boolean = await qna.awnserQuestion(questionId, "Lakers should win!")
To listen to changes to questions in real-time, some listeners can be used:
- onChange: This will watch for Q&A props changes coming from dashboard and then call the passed callback with the Qna instance updating it properties
onChange(callback: (instance: BaseQna) => void): void
- onQuestionReceived: Watches for new questions updating the question cache and calls the passed callback with the new question
onQuestionReceived(callback: (question: QnaQuestion) => void): void
Direct Messages
When you enable the "Private Messages" option in your chat, members can chat directly with each other.
To create a private channel with a user start calling the following method with the given options. See types
import PrivateChannel from '@/channel/private-channel.ts'
const peterChannel: BasePrivateChannel = await PrivateChannel.createUserChannel({
user: new ExternalUser(userParams),
userId: "id0",
site: new Site(siteOptions),
firstMessage: new ChatMessageContent(messageContent); //optional
To list all private channels for the current user you can do like
const userChannels: BasePrivateChannel[] = await PrivateChannel.getUserChannels(currentUser, currentSite)
To allow your users to block another users inside a private channel context use
const userBlocked: Boolean = await PrivateChannel.blockPrivateUser(currentUser, currentSite, targetUserId)
The same is valid to unblock another blocked user
const userUnblocked: Boolean = await PrivateChannel.unblockPrivateUser(currentUser, currentSite, targetUserId)
To send a private message on a specific channel you can call the following method
await peterChannel.sendMessage(
new ChatMessageContent(messageOptions)
replyMessageId, // optional
It's also possible to obtain an already created private channel directly throught the sdk by passing the channelId
const aliceChannel: BasePrivateChannel = await arenaChat.getPrivateChannel("alice-channel")
In the same way we can list only the private channels that are not group channels for the current user
const userPrivateChannels: BasePrivateChannel[] = await arenaChat.getUserPrivateChannel()
Also, it's possible to create a channel via ArenaChat
instance or return an existing one for a userId
const bobChannel: BasePrivateChannel = await arenaChat.createUserPrivateChannel(
new ChatMessageContent(messageParams) // optional
About the event listeners this one deserves attention, types are defined here types
- onUnreadMessagesCountChanged : Watchs for unread messages within a private channel so you can display it for the user in real time, callback will hold the unread count
onUnreadMessagesCountChanged(user: ExternalUser, site: Site, callback: (total: number) => void): () => void
- offUnreadMessagesCountChanged : From the sdk you can unsubscribe the a previous setted listener for
Adding polls to engage the user experience is quite simple since it's enabled by default in all chats
To configure a polls manager you need your previously configured chatRoom
and a arenaChat
, please refer to types
import Polls from '@/polls/polls.ts'
const polls: BasePolls = new Polls(chatRoom, arenaChat)
Once you get a polls instance it's possible to start loading the existing polls
The enum PollFilter
defined in types can be used to filter the list of polls to be loaded.
export enum PollFilter {
POPULAR = 'popular', // The most voted polls
RECENT = 'recent', // The recent polls by date
ACTIVE = 'active', // All active polls
ENDED = 'ended', // The already finished polls
const pollsList: [Poll] = await polls.loadPolls(
PollFilter.RECENT, // optional
50 // optional
To register a vote in a option for a poll you need to inform the pollId
the optionId
that is a number starting in 0 and optionaly an anonymousId
const pollId = pollsList[0].pollId
await polls.pollVote(
5, // option 5
Within a channel context is possible to receive the polls manager so it can be presented to the current user
const polls: BasePolls = await channelI.getPollsInstance(userId)
Event listeners are exposed to watch for changes in real-time:
- onPollReceived: Allows you to watch for new polls in real time to notify or display to users. The same signature works for
onPollReceived(callback: (poll: Poll) => void): void
- offPollReceived : Unregister a previous registered listener for
, the same is valid foroffPollModified
### API Documentation
Documentation for this JavaScript client are available at the [Arena website](https://arena.im)