Apptrail Application Events SDK for Node JS.
Apptrail Application Events SDK for Node JS
You can use the Apptrail Application Events SDK for Node JS to send audit logs from your Javascript applications to your customers.
Learn more
Notes and tips
- Requires Node JS >= 12
- The Application Events SDK relies on your Apptrail API key secret and is meant for server side use only and not in the browser.
- Instantiate the client once at the top of your application and reuse it to prevent unnecessary recreation.
npm i --save @apptrail/application-events-sdk
Instantiating client
import { ApptrailEventsClient, ApptrailEventsClientConfig } from "@apptrail/application-events-sdk";
const myApiKey = loadMySecretApiKey();
const myRegion = "us-west-2";
const eventsClient = new ApptrailEventsClient({
region: myRegion,
apiKey: myApiKey,
Sending an event
import { ApptrailEvent, ApptrailEventsClient, ApptrailEventsClientConfig } from "@apptrail/application-events-sdk";
const event: ApptrailEvent = {
tenantId: "cust_MGY4MmYzNDMtZjEwOC00OWI",
eventName: "CreateRepository",
eventTime: "2022-01-26T06:01:00Z",
actor: {
id: "acct_MmRlODllZDctM2I0Yi0",
details: {
type: "account",
name: "API Access",
resources: [
id: "repo_YWI5NjkzY2UtNzI1Ny00N",
details: {
repositoryType: "V2",
context: {
sourceIpAddress: "",
userAgent: "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/11.0.11)",
tags: {
severity: "LOW",
eventDetails: {
request: {
repositoryName: "my-repository",
Handling errors
As a best practice, you should handle errors while sending events, especially if you are sending critical logs. The Events client includes automatic retries with backoff, but errors can happen due to rare server issues or client side issues.
You can choose what to do with failing events. For example, you may sideline them to disk, or a dead letter queue for retry or remediation.
import { ApptrailError } from "@apptrail/application-events-sdk";
try {
} catch (e: any) {
const error = e as ApptrailError;
// handle error