AppSensorLikeUI web implementation
@appsensorlike/appsensorlike Dashboard
npm i @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_ui_web
You have to create db tables, which hold users, user groups, and corresponding authorizations. Use MySQL script located in dependent module @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_ui under dist/appsensor-ui/security/mysql/sql.
Copy from the dependent module @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_ui dist/appsensor-ui/security/mysql/appsensor-ui-session-storage-mysql-config.json in your working directory and set "database", "user" and "password" under "poolOptions". This user is used to connect to db in order to check logging users credentials.
You have to have running websocket reporting engine server connected to running AppSensorLike server.
For example:
import { AppSensorLocal } from '@appsensorlike/appsensorlike/execution-modes/appsensor-local/appsensor_local.js';
import { AppSensorEvent, Category, DetectionPoint, DetectionSystem, User } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike/core/core.js";
import { AppSensorReportingWebSocketServer } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike_reporting_engines_websocket/server";
const appSensorLocal = new AppSensorLocal();
const eventManager = appSensorLocal.getAppSensorClient().getEventManager();
//following lines are added just for purpose of demonstration
const user1 = new User("user1");
const detectionPoint = new DetectionPoint(Category.REQUEST, "RE7");
const detectionSystem = new DetectionSystem("localhostme");
if (eventManager) {
//simulate some user malicious events
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem));
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem)); //new instance every time to set timestamp
//simulate some user malicious events on interval
//see how Dashboard gets updated
setInterval(async () => {
if (eventManager) {
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem));
}, 10000);
//create and start the reporting engine server
const wsServer = new AppSensorReportingWebSocketServer(appSensorLocal.getAppSensorServer());
await wsServer.startServer();
If you have installed the geo locator module, you could also add geolocation along with the user's IP address. This will give you a visualization of user's location on GEO map.
For example:
import { AppSensorLocal } from '@appsensorlike/appsensorlike/execution-modes/appsensor-local/appsensor_local.js';
import { AppSensorEvent, Category, DetectionPoint, DetectionSystem, User, IPAddress } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike/core/core.js";
import { AppSensorReportingWebSocketServer } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike_reporting_engines_websocket/server";
import { FastGeoIPLocator } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike_geolocators_fast_geoip";
const appSensorLocal = new AppSensorLocal();
const eventManager = appSensorLocal.getAppSensorClient().getEventManager();
//following lines are added just for purpose of demonstration
const geoLocator = new FastGeoIPLocator();
const ipAddressUser = await IPAddress.fromString("", geoLocator);
const user1 = new User("user1", ipAddressUser);
const ipAddressDetSystem = await IPAddress.fromString("", geoLocator);
const detectionSystem = new DetectionSystem("localhostme", ipAddressDetSystem);
const detectionPoint = new DetectionPoint(Category.REQUEST, "RE7");
if (eventManager) {
//simulate some user malicious events
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem));
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem)); //new instance every time to set timestamp
//simulate some user malicious events on interval
//see how Dashboard and Geo map get updated
setInterval(async () => {
if (eventManager) {
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem));
}, 10000);
//create and start the reporting engine server
const wsServer = new AppSensorReportingWebSocketServer(appSensorLocal.getAppSensorServer());
await wsServer.startServer();
Dashboard app creates a websocket reporting engine client, which by default tries to connect to ws://localhost:3000. By default it will try to reconnect on connection lost. You can change configuration as pointed in @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_reporting_engines_websocket under Configuration section.
Run locally to installation of the module:
npx @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_ui_web
If you install the module globally (-g flag), you can run it with
Authentication and authorization of clients
Authentication of the users is based on user name and password, which have to be set in advance by the administrator in ui_users table.
Authorization - authenticated users have to possess authorizations to access specific pages. They can be set for user or group.
- VIEW_DATA - to access all pages but configuration
- VIEW_CONFIGURATION - to access configuration
The authorizations are set by the administrator in ui_authorities table and link to a user or a group in corresponding ui_user_authorities and ui_groups, ui_group_authorities, ui_group_users.
You can configure protocol http/s, port, etc via appsensor-ui-rest-server-config.json file in your working directory. You can copy the default configuration from the module's dist/appsensor-ui/web. Corresponding schem file appsensor-rest-server-config_schema.json is in the same directory.