AppSensorLike execution mode over websocket; client part
@appsensorlike/appsensorlike client over websocket. Please note that this code runs on node only.
npm i @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_client_node
Please mind, that for this example your module has to install also @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_server.
Please consider how the client is authenticated and authorized in @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_server.
import { AppSensorWebsocketExecClient } from '@appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_client_node';
import { AppSensorWebsocketExecServer } from '@appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_server';
import { AppSensorEvent, Category, DetectionPoint, DetectionSystem, User } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike/core/core.js";
const appSensorWebsocketExecServer =
new AppSensorWebsocketExecServer('appsensor-server-config.json',
await appSensorWebsocketExecServer.startWebSocketServer();
const appSensorWebsocketExecClient =
new AppSensorWebsocketExecClient('appsensor-websocket-event-manager-config.json');
//you are now able to get instance of AppSensorClient respectivly EventManager and to send events to the server
const eventManager = appSensorWebsocketExecClient.getAppSensorClient().getEventManager();
//following lines are added just for purpose of demonstration
const user1 = new User("user1");
const detectionPoint = new DetectionPoint(Category.REQUEST, "RE7");
const detectionSystem = new DetectionSystem("localhostme");
if (eventManager) {
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem));
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem)); //new instance every time to set timestamp
Here it is an example when your client runs along with your app on a separate node instance. Before running the code you have to have running server, which will accept your requests.
Please consider how the client is authenticated and authorized in @appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_server.
import { AppSensorWebsocketExecClient } from '@appsensorlike/appsensorlike_exec_mode_websocket_client_node';
import { AppSensorEvent, Category, DetectionPoint, DetectionSystem, User } from "@appsensorlike/appsensorlike/core/core.js";
const appSensorWebsocketExecClient =
new AppSensorWebsocketExecClient('appsensor-websocket-event-manager-config.json');
//you are now able to get instance of AppSensorClient respectivly EventManager and to send events to the server
const eventManager = appSensorWebsocketExecClient.getAppSensorClient().getEventManager();
//following lines are added just for purpose of demonstration
const user1 = new User("user1");
const detectionPoint = new DetectionPoint(Category.REQUEST, "RE7");
const detectionSystem = new DetectionSystem("localhostme");
if (eventManager) {
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem));
await eventManager.addEvent(new AppSensorEvent(user1, detectionPoint, detectionSystem)); //new instance every time to set timestamp
You can configure the url to send request to and websocket options via AppSensorWebsocketExecClient constructor or configure it in appsensor-websocket-event-manager-config.json file in the working directory. You can copy the default configuration from this module's dist/execution-modes/appsensor-websocket/client-node/event. Corresponding schema file appsensor-websocket-client-config_schema.json is in the same directory.
The default url is ws://localhost:4500 . The implementation takes advantage of WS websocket module so you could check for websocket options here https://github.com/websockets/ws/blob/HEAD/doc/ws.md#new-websocketaddress-protocols-options .
TypeScript support
You need TypeScript version >= 4.7 in order the paths exported by the module to be resolved.