Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
SVG Optimizer is a Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.
SVG files, especially those exported from various editors, usually contain a lot of redundant and useless information. This can include editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or non-optimal values and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without affecting the SVG rendering result.
What it can do
SVGO has a plugin-based architecture, so almost every optimization is a separate plugin.
Today we have:
| Plugin | Description | Default |
| ------ | ----------- | ------- |
| cleanupAttrs | cleanup attributes from newlines, trailing, and repeating spaces | enabled
| inlineStyles | move and merge styles from <style>
elements to element style
attributes | enabled
| removeDoctype | remove doctype declaration | enabled
| removeXMLProcInst | remove XML processing instructions | enabled
| removeComments | remove comments | enabled
| removeMetadata | remove <metadata>
| enabled
| removeTitle | remove <title>
| enabled
| removeDesc | remove <desc>
| enabled
| removeUselessDefs | remove elements of <defs>
without id
| enabled
| removeXMLNS | removes xmlns
attribute (for inline svg) | disabled
| removeEditorsNSData | remove editors namespaces, elements, and attributes | enabled
| removeEmptyAttrs | remove empty attributes | enabled
| removeHiddenElems | remove hidden elements | enabled
| removeEmptyText | remove empty Text elements | enabled
| removeEmptyContainers | remove empty Container elements | enabled
| removeViewBox | remove viewBox
attribute when possible | enabled
| cleanupEnableBackground | remove or cleanup enable-background
attribute when possible | enabled
| minifyStyles | minify <style>
elements content with CSSO | enabled
| convertStyleToAttrs | convert styles into attributes | enabled
| convertColors | convert colors (from rgb()
to #rrggbb
, from #rrggbb
to #rgb
) | enabled
| convertPathData | convert Path data to relative or absolute (whichever is shorter), convert one segment to another, trim useless delimiters, smart rounding, and much more | enabled
| convertTransform | collapse multiple transforms into one, convert matrices to the short aliases, and much more | enabled
| removeUnknownsAndDefaults | remove unknown elements content and attributes, remove attrs with default values | enabled
| removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs | remove non-inheritable group's "presentation" attributes | enabled
| removeUselessStrokeAndFill | remove useless stroke
and fill
attrs | enabled
| removeUnusedNS | remove unused namespaces declaration | enabled
| prefixIds | prefix IDs and classes with the SVG filename or an arbitrary string | disabled
| cleanupIDs | remove unused and minify used IDs | enabled
| cleanupNumericValues | round numeric values to the fixed precision, remove default px
units | enabled
| cleanupListOfValues | round numeric values in attributes that take a list of numbers (like viewBox
or enable-background
) | disabled
| moveElemsAttrsToGroup | move elements' attributes to their enclosing group | enabled
| moveGroupAttrsToElems | move some group attributes to the contained elements | enabled
| collapseGroups | collapse useless groups | enabled
| removeRasterImages | remove raster images | disabled
| mergePaths | merge multiple Paths into one | enabled
| convertShapeToPath | convert some basic shapes to <path>
| enabled
| convertEllipseToCircle | convert non-eccentric <ellipse>
to <circle>
| enabled
| sortAttrs | sort element attributes for epic readability | disabled
| sortDefsChildren | sort children of <defs>
in order to improve compression | enabled
| removeDimensions | remove width
and add viewBox
if it's missing (opposite to removeViewBox, disable it first) | disabled
| removeAttrs | remove attributes by pattern | disabled
| removeAttributesBySelector | removes attributes of elements that match a css selector | disabled
| removeElementsByAttr | remove arbitrary elements by ID or className | disabled
| addClassesToSVGElement | add classnames to an outer <svg>
element | disabled
| addAttributesToSVGElement | adds attributes to an outer <svg>
element | disabled
| removeOffCanvasPaths | removes elements that are drawn outside of the viewbox | disabled
| removeStyleElement | remove <style>
elements | disabled
| removeScriptElement | remove <script>
elements | disabled
| reusePaths | Find duplicated elements and replace them with links | disabled
Want to know how it works and how to write your own plugin? Of course you want to.
$ npm install @applaud/svgo
-h, --help : Help
-v, --version : Version
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT : Input file, "-" for STDIN
-s STRING, --string=STRING : Input SVG data string
-f FOLDER, --folder=FOLDER : Input folder, optimize and rewrite all *.svg files
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT : Output file or folder (by default the same as the input), "-" for STDOUT
-p PRECISION, --precision=PRECISION : Set number of digits in the fractional part, overrides plugins params
--config=CONFIG : Config file or JSON string to extend or replace default
--disable=PLUGIN : Disable plugin by name, "--disable=PLUGIN1,PLUGIN2" for multiple plugins
--enable=PLUGIN : Enable plugin by name, "--enable=PLUGIN3,PLUGIN4" for multiple plugins
--datauri=DATAURI : Output as Data URI string (base64, URI encoded or unencoded)
--multipass : Pass over SVGs multiple times to ensure all optimizations are applied
--pretty : Make SVG pretty printed
--indent=INDENT : Indent number when pretty printing SVGs
-r, --recursive : Use with '-f'. Optimizes *.svg files in folders recursively.
-q, --quiet : Only output error messages, not regular status messages
--show-plugins : Show available plugins and exit
INPUT : Alias to --input
with files:
$ svgo test.svg
$ svgo *.svg
$ svgo test.svg -o test.min.svg
$ svgo test.svg other.svg third.svg
$ svgo test.svg other.svg third.svg -o test.min.svg -o other.min.svg -o third.min.svg
$ cat test.svg | svgo -i - -o - > test.min.svg
with folder
$ svgo -f ../path/to/folder/with/svg/files
$ svgo -f ../path/to/folder/with/svg/files -o ../path/to/folder/with/svg/output
$ svgo *.svg -o ../path/to/folder/with/svg/output
with strings:
$ svgo -s '<svg version="1.1">test</svg>' -o test.min.svg
or even with Data URI base64:
$ svgo -s 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,...' -o test.min.svg
with SVGZ:
:$ gunzip -c test.svgz | svgo -i - -o test.min.svg
:$ svgo test.svg -o - | gzip -cfq9 > test.svgz
Other Ways to Use SVGO
- as a web app – SVGOMG
- as a Nodejs module – examples
- as a Grunt task – grunt-svgmin
- as a Gulp task – gulp-svgmin
- as a Mimosa module – mimosa-minify-svg
- as an OSX Folder Action – svgo-osx-folder-action
- as a webpack loader – image-webpack-loader
- as a Telegram Bot – svgo_bot
- as a PostCSS plugin – postcss-svgo
- as an Inkscape plugin – inkscape-svgo
- as a Sketch plugin - svgo-compressor
- as macOS app - Image Shrinker
- as a Rollup plugin - rollup-plugin-svgo
License and Copyright
This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.