Common package with many useful features for mobile development
Mobile frontend library of components and modules
This library is for mobile reusable code only, do not add related to web modules. If you need to use something from this library for web development - you should move it to the @appello/common package. If your module became usable for web too you need to move it also.
List of available modules
...coming soon...
How to use it
Download package from npm:
npm i @appello/mobile
Import modules you need in your code:
import { someUtil } from '@appello/mobile/lib/utils';
Development guide
For developers
Note that we have a clear hierarchy in repo and if you have a 'developer' role - you can
not merge directly, you have to create merge request and assign it to one of maintainers!!
Before you start, don't forget to switch the directory you want to work in. Then run 'npm i' in this directory.
If you are creating a new module/function/component etc., do not forget to make export in index.ts of its folder:
export * from './useSearchParams';
If you need to create new module, do not forget to add index.ts with exports.
!!! Do not change config files if you don't have clear explanation why you want to do it. In case you have, please contact any maintainer, otherwise it would be rejected. !!!
For maintainers
It is required to change version before publish:
go to package folder and run npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch ]
For more information about versioning visit https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-version
The next step is just publish new version:
npm publish
IMPORTANT!! Don't forget to push&merge into git repo to keep it up-to-date.