Components for web applications
#+TITLE: @apparts/web-components #+DATE: [2021-03-11 Thu] #+AUTHOR: Philipp Uhl
@apparts/web-components gives you some standard web components for forms, inputs and in general. They are lightweight, some are for making the use of Formik easier and more standardized.
- Components
General purpose:
- Button
- Input
- ErrorMessage
- FadeIn
Formik specific:
- If
- IfElse
- Row
- GlobalError
- IfDirty
- FormikInput
** Button
The button component has all usual button props and these:
- ~submit: <?boolean>~ :: Type should be "submit"
- ~loading: <?boolean>~ :: The button should be disabled and show a loading animation
- ~disabled: <?boolean>~ :: The button should be disabled
** Input
The input component has all usual input props and these:
- ~label: ~ :: The inputs label text
- ~name: ~ :: The inputs name and id
- ~error: <?string>~ :: An error text that should be shown
** ErrorMessage
A styled error message that only renders if the ~message~ prop is given. Props:
- ~message: <?string>~ :: The message that should be rendered
** FadeIn
A component that fades it's content in, on render. Props:
- ~shown: <?bool>~ :: The content should be visible
- ~children: ~ :: The content
- ~min: <?number> = 0~ :: The opacity when invisible
- ~max: <?number> = 1~ :: The opacity when visible
- ~duration: <?number> = 1~ :: The duration of the fade in in seconds
- ~style: <?object>~ :: A style for the wrapper
** If
Formik specific component. Render children, if some condition is true in the Formik input values. Props:
- ~children: ~ :: The children to be rendered
- ~test: ~ :: The test function, it will be given the values from the formik context as parameter. If it returns true, the content will be rendered.
** IfElse
Formik specific component. Render children, if some condition is true in the Formik input values. Props:
- ~then: ~ :: The children to be rendered if condition met
- ~elze: ~ :: The children to be rendered if condition not met
- ~test: ~ :: The test function, it will be given the values from the formik context as parameter. If it returns true, the ~then~ part will be rendered, if returns false, the ~elze~ part will be rendered.
** Row
Formik specific component. Renders inputs in a row that wraps at a specifiable width. Props:
- ~children: ~ :: The content to be rendered in a row
- ~minWidth: <?number> = 200~ :: The minium width of the items
- ~margin: <?number> = 5~ :: The margin between the children
- ~containerStyle: <?object>~ :: Style of the container
- ~rowStyle: <?object>~ :: Style for each element
** GlobalError
Formik specific component. Renders an error if any field of the form has an error. Useful, e.g. to display a warning near the submit button that explains, that there is an issue present. Props:
- ~message: ~ :: The message to be rendered.
** IfDirty
Formik specific component. Renders it's content, only if the formik form is dirty. Useful, e.g., to display a react-routes prompt when leaving a page, but only if the user has unsaved input. Takes no props.
To prevent the form to be dirty after submitting, you can use this line in your =onSubmit= handler function:
#+BEGIN_SRC js const onSubmit = (fields, actions) => { // do the saving, etc. Then, on success: actions.resetForm({ values: fields }); }; #+END_SRC
** FormikInput
Formik specific component. An input field with an error field and a label.
The FormikInput component has all usual (formik) input props and these:
- ~label: ~ :: The inputs label text
- ~name: ~ :: The inputs name and id
- Usage
Import the default style, or create your own style based on the default one.
#+BEGIN_SRC js // The default style: import "@apparts/web-components/style.css"; #+END_SRC
To keep the given style sheet but alter the color scheme, just redefine these CSS variables with your color scheme:
#+BEGIN_SRC css :root { --dark-0: #0c0e0e; --dark-1: #23292a; --dark-2: #394546; --dark-3: #516062; --dark-4: #677b7e;
--bright-0: #d8dedf; --bright-1: #e1e6e6; --bright-2: #eaedee; --bright-3: #f3f5f5; --bright-4: #fcfdfd;
--primary-0: #144a52; --primary-1: #1b636d; --primary-2: #227c88; --primary-3: #2995a3; --primary-4: #30aebe; --primary-5: #41bfcf; --primary-6: #5cc8d6; --primary-7: #77d1dd; --primary-8: #92dae4; --primary-9: #ade3eb;
--secondary-0: #521c14; --secondary-1: #6d251b; --secondary-2: #882e22; --secondary-3: #a33729; --secondary-4: #be4030; --secondary-5: #cf5141; --secondary-6: #d66a5c; --secondary-7: #dd8377; --secondary-8: #e49c92; --secondary-9: #ebb5ad;
--green-0: #145214; --green-1: #248f24; --green-2: #33cc33; --green-3: #70db70; --green-4: #adebad;
--yellow-0: #525214; --yellow-1: #8f8f24; --yellow-2: #cccc33; --yellow-3: #dbdb70; --yellow-4: #ebebad;
--red-0: #521414; --red-1: #8f2424; --red-2: #cc3333; --red-3: #db7070; --red-4: #ebadad; } #+END_SRC