A file uploader in React for uploading the picture to Cloudinary
A Cloudinary React file uploader.
Installation and usage
npm install @app-masters/react-cloudinary-uploader --save
You ever must import cloudinary globals on your html head.
<script src="//widget.cloudinary.com/global/all.js" type="text/javascript">
After this you could choose between to uses methods; Component
and Static
You can use ReactCloudinaryUploader over static call receiving a promisse.
let options = {
cloud_name: "demo",
upload_preset: "a5vxnzbp",
multiple: true,
returnJustUrl: true
if (this.props.returnJustUrl)
image = image.url;
Component - WIP
Allow you to use it like a component, showing a button and the result image.
console.log("success uploading! Image data",image);
ReactCloudinaryUploader Options
- multiple: Enable upload more than one file
- returnJustUrl: Ever return just the image URL, without metadata
Cloudinary Options
The component accepts few properties as input. cloudName and uploadPreset are required properties for this component.
- cloudName: the cloud name that you can find in your configuration in Cloudinary.
- uploadPreset: The upload_preset that you can find in your settins (Upload) in Cloudinary.
- showPoweredBy [true | false]: It shows the poweredBy logo in the widget.
- allowedFormats: An array of allowed format. (e.g. ['jpeg', 'png'])
- maxFileSize: If specified, perform client side validation that prevents uploading files bigger than the given bytes size (e.g. 130000)
- maxImageWidth: If specified, client-side scale-down resizing takes place before uploading if the width of the selected file is bigger than the specified value. (e.g. 2000)
- maxImageHeight: If specified, client-side scale-down resizing takes place before uploading if the height of the selected file is bigger than the specified value. (e.g. 2000)
- sources ["local", "web", "web"]: List of file sources
- defaultSource: The default selected source tab when the widget is opened.
- multiple: Whether selecting and uploading multiple images is allowed.
- maxFiles: The maximum number of files allowed in multiple upload mode.
- cropping ["server" | null]: Whether to enable interactive cropping of images before uploading.
- croppingAspectRatio: If specified, enforce the given aspect ratio on selected region when performing interactive cropping. (e.g. 0.5)
- publicId: Custom public ID to assign to a single uploaded image.
- folder: Folder name for all uploaded images. Acts as the prefix of assigned public IDs.
- tags: One or more tags to assign to the uploaded images.
- resourceType ["auto", "image", "raw"]: The resource type of the uploaded files.
- contextAlt: Additional context metadata to attach to the uploaded images.
- contextCaption: Additional context metadata to attach to the uploaded images.
- buttonClass: Allows overriding the default CSS class name of the upload button added to your site.
- buttonCaption: Allows overriding the default caption of the upload button added to your site.