A component for question and andswers management for React Native
Questions component is a component used to make forms in a QnA style. It receives the views that will be used to render questions and also for each one of answer type. It also receives the data, which is the Json/Object used to render questions and answers.
You only need to run:
npm i @app-masters/questions-component --save
Before using the component, follow the installation and usage steps of each dependecy(look down) first.
The starting point component is the QuestionAnswers
component, you just got to import it, and call it giving the views you want to use.
You have to give it the custom views you want it to render. But it already comes with some default views that you can use and also help you implement your own.
Like this:
import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@app-masters/questions-component';
class Example extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onFormSubmit = this.onFormSubmit.bind(this);
render() {
return <QuestionAnswers
questionView: QuestionView,
answerCheckView: AnswerCheckView,
answerTextView: AnswerTextView,
answerPhotoView: AnswerPhotoView,
onFormSubmit={this.onFormSubmit} />;
onFormSubmit(answers) {
export default Example;
As you can see on the example above, we are giving the component some data
that for this example comes from this.props.data
. An example of this data is at the bottom of the page.
This metadata can be anything, but must follow the pattern:
Category -
Id: Int
Content: String
Questions: Question[]
Question -
Id: Int
Type: "multiple", "single", "text"
Content: String
Answers: Answer[]
ShouldDisplay: ShouldDisplay[]
ShouldDisplay -
AnswerId: Int
QuestionId: Int
Answer -
Id: Int
Type: "check", "input", "photo"
Content: String
Any question can depend on any previous answer using the "ShouldDisplay" property, but it is important to know that, this dependent question must be placed on the array just after the last question it depends from.
These are the component properties, and all of them are required:
componentDefinition: {
QuestionView, // This is the view that will be used to display a single question, this view shows the question title and the answer array
AnswerCheckView, // This is the corresponding view for an answer of type "check"
AnswerTextView, // This is the corresponding view for an answer of type "text"
AnswerPhotoView, // This is the corresponding view for an answer of type "photo"
data: {}, // This is the data used to render the question tree
onFormSubmit: (answers) => void // This is the callback that is called when the last question is answered
ivpusic/react-native-image-crop-picker: The component depend on this package to cut images on answers of type "photo"
!Tip: If after installing this package, you get the error:Could not find method METHOD_NAME for arguments
, try removing the linevectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary
on your./android/app/build.gradle
.beefe/react-native-actionsheet: The component depend on this package so the action sheet that allows the user to select photo or gallery to shown.
app-masters/react-native-ui-kit: The component uses this ui kit for some of its styling.
Before using the component, follow the installation and usage steps of each dependecy first.
Known errors
- If you get the error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ph3' of null
You are not callingstartStyles(AppStyles)
from the app-masters/react-native-ui-kit dependecy. Check this dependecy installation instructions.
Data example
This is an example of the metadata Json:
"data": {
"categories": [
"categoryId": 1,
"content": "Indicadores Nutricionais",
"questions": [
"questionId": 1,
"type": "multiple",
"content": "Qual é a classificação da condição corporal do animal?",
"answers": [
"answerId": 1,
"type": "check",
"content": "Muito magro"
"answerId": 2,
"type": "check",
"content": "Magro"
"answerId": 3,
"type": "check",
"content": "Ideal"
"answerId": 4,
"type": "check",
"content": "Acima do peso"
"answerId": 5,
"type": "photo",
"content": "Tire uma foto"
"questionId": 2,
"type": "text",
"content": "Qual seria o grau de mau trato?",
"answers": [
"answerId": 6,
"type": "text",
"content": "Descreva"
"questionId": 3,
"type": "single",
"content": "O animal possui alimentação disponível?",
"answers": [
"answerId": 7,
"type": "check",
"content": "Sim"
"answerId": 8,
"type": "check",
"content": "Não"
"questionId": 4,
"type": "single",
"content": "O que o animal come?",
"answers": [
"answerId": 9,
"type": "check",
"content": "Ração"
"answerId": 10,
"type": "check",
"content": "Comida caseira"
"answerId": 11,
"type": "text",
"content": "Outros"
"shouldDisplay": [
"questionId": 3,
"answerId": 7