This repository exposes an untouched Apollos API and UI project.
Apollos Upgrade
This repository exposes an untouched Apollos API and UI project.
Getting Started
- Run this tool from inside of both the API and App directories
cd apolloschurchapp && npx @apollosproject/upgrade-tools upgrade
cd apollos-church-api && npx @apollosproject/upgrade-tools upgrade
- Fix merge conflicts. Below is not absolute but should provide guidance and tips as to how to carry out resolve.
- Lock files (podfile, yarn), fragments, and local graphQL files can be removed entirely and then will get updated when running
- Native files (build.gradle & info.plist) can be resolved by rejecting new changes
- Other files should be reviewed in conjunction with the diff table below and replaced (as needed) with what is reflected in master
A dedicated branch per release makes changes very easy to watch. For example:
- https://github.com/ApollosProject/apollos-upgrade/compare/release/0.6.0...release/0.6.1
In the future, this project will be used to enhance the upgrading experience through a command line tool.
See table below for the complete list.
Diff table
| From->To | D | I | F | F | S | | = | = | | F | U | N | | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | 2.33.3 | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.33.2 | ->2.33.3 | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.33.1 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.33.0 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.32.2 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.32.1 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.32.0 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | ->2.32.1 | X | - | - | - | - | - | | 2.31.0 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | ->2.32.1 | ->2.32.0 | X | - | - | - | - | | 2.30.0 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | ->2.32.1 | ->2.32.0 | ->2.31.0 | X | - | - | - | | 2.29.3 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | ->2.32.1 | ->2.32.0 | ->2.31.0 | ->2.30.0 | X | - | - | | 2.29.2 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | ->2.32.1 | ->2.32.0 | ->2.31.0 | ->2.30.0 | ->2.29.3 | X | - | | 2.29.1 | ->2.33.3 | ->2.33.2 | ->2.33.1 | ->2.33.0 | ->2.32.2 | ->2.32.1 | ->2.32.0 | ->2.31.0 | ->2.30.0 | ->2.29.3 | ->2.29.2 | X |