OpenAPI client for @apilibraries/testing-api-video
@apilibraries/[email protected]
npm install @apilibraries/[email protected] --save
// Or with yarn
yarn add @apilibraries/[email protected]
To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:
npm install
npm run build
// Or with yarn
yarn build
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://ws.api.video
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccountApi | gETAccount | GET /account | Show account AnalyticsApi | gETAnalyticsLiveStreamsLiveStreamId | GET /analytics/live-streams/{liveStreamId} | List live stream player sessions AnalyticsApi | gETAnalyticsSessionsSessionIdEvents | GET /analytics/sessions/{sessionId}/events | List player session events AnalyticsApi | gETAnalyticsVideosVideoId | GET /analytics/videos/{videoId} | List video player sessions AuthenticationApi | pOSTAuthApiKey | POST /auth/api-key | Authenticate AuthenticationApi | pOSTAuthRefresh | POST /auth/refresh | Refresh token CaptionsApi | dELETEVideosVideoIdCaptionsLanguage | DELETE /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} | Delete a caption CaptionsApi | gETVideosVideoIdCaptions | GET /videos/{videoId}/captions | List video captions CaptionsApi | gETVideosVideoIdCaptionsLanguage | GET /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} | Show a caption CaptionsApi | pATCHVideosVideoIdCaptionsLanguage | PATCH /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} | Update caption CaptionsApi | pOSTVideosVideoIdCaptionsLanguage | POST /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} | Upload a caption ChaptersApi | dELETEVideosVideoIdChaptersLanguage | DELETE /videos/{videoId}/chapters/{language} | Delete a chapter ChaptersApi | gETVideosVideoIdChapters | GET /videos/{videoId}/chapters | List video chapters ChaptersApi | gETVideosVideoIdChaptersLanguage | GET /videos/{videoId}/chapters/{language} | Show a chapter ChaptersApi | pOSTVideosVideoIdChaptersLanguage | POST /videos/{videoId}/chapters/{language} | Upload a chapter LiveApi | dELETELiveStreamsLiveStreamId | DELETE /live-streams/{liveStreamId} | Delete a live stream LiveApi | dELETELiveStreamsLiveStreamIdThumbnail | DELETE /live-streams/{liveStreamId}/thumbnail | Delete a thumbnail LiveApi | gETLiveStreams | GET /live-streams | List all live streams LiveApi | gETLiveStreamsLiveStreamId | GET /live-streams/{liveStreamId} | Show live stream LiveApi | pATCHLiveStreamsLiveStreamId | PATCH /live-streams/{liveStreamId} | Update a live stream LiveApi | pOSTLiveStreams | POST /live-streams | Create live stream LiveApi | pOSTLiveStreamsLiveStreamIdThumbnail | POST /live-streams/{liveStreamId}/thumbnail | Upload a thumbnail PlayersApi | dELETEPlayersPlayerId | DELETE /players/{playerId} | Delete a player PlayersApi | dELETEPlayersPlayerIdLogo | DELETE /players/{playerId}/logo | Delete logo PlayersApi | gETPlayers | GET /players | List all players PlayersApi | gETPlayersPlayerId | GET /players/{playerId} | Show a player PlayersApi | pATCHPlayersPlayerId | PATCH /players/{playerId} | Update a player PlayersApi | pOSTPlayers | POST /players | Create a player PlayersApi | pOSTPlayersPlayerIdLogo | POST /players/{playerId}/logo | Upload a logo VideosApi | dELETEVideo | DELETE /videos/{videoId} | Delete a video VideosApi | gETVideo | GET /videos/{videoId} | Show a video VideosApi | gETVideoStatus | GET /videos/{videoId}/status | Show video status VideosApi | lISTVideos | GET /videos | List all videos VideosApi | pATCHVideo | PATCH /videos/{videoId} | Update a video VideosApi | pATCHVideosVideoIdThumbnail | PATCH /videos/{videoId}/thumbnail | Pick a thumbnail VideosApi | pOSTVideo | POST /videos | Create a video VideosApi | pOSTVideosVideoIdSource | POST /videos/{videoId}/source | Upload a video VideosApi | pOSTVideosVideoIdThumbnail | POST /videos/{videoId}/thumbnail | Upload a thumbnail VideosDelegatedUploadApi | dELETEUploadTokensUploadToken | DELETE /upload-tokens/{uploadToken} | Delete an upload token VideosDelegatedUploadApi | gETUploadTokens | GET /upload-tokens | List all active upload tokens. VideosDelegatedUploadApi | gETUploadTokensUploadToken | GET /upload-tokens/{uploadToken} | Show upload token VideosDelegatedUploadApi | pOSTUpload | POST /upload | Upload with an upload token VideosDelegatedUploadApi | pOSTUploadTokens | POST /upload-tokens | Generate an upload token WebhooksApi | dELETEWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete a Webhook WebhooksApi | gETWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Show Webhook details WebhooksApi | lISTWebhooks | GET /webhooks | List all webhooks WebhooksApi | pOSTWebhooks | POST /webhooks | Create Webhook