<p align="center" style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61698985/95465266-31704200-097b-11eb-813c-ddc9a0b2f202.png" /> </p>
Initialise a React project easily using the anynines React boilerplate.
It comes with preconfigured features like:
- 📦 Webpack
- 🏷️ TypeScript
- ⚛️ React
- 💄 styled-components
- 🎨 design-system
- 🌗 Theming
- ✅ Testing
- 🚨 Linter
- 👷 Travis
- 🤡 Mocked API
🎉 Quick Start
Generate your new GitHub repositories with this repository templates or fetch it locally using degit:
npx degit anynines/anynines-react-boilerplate react-app
cd react-app
Install the dependencies...
yarn install
...then start development environment:
yarn start
Navigate to localhost:9000. You should see your app running. Edit the App
component file in src
, save it, wait that the page reload: you should see your changes.
📦 Build the app
We use webpack to bundle the React app.
You can build it for development:
yarn start
or for production:
yarn build
The generated web app is located in public
🏷️ TypeScript
TypeScript's pre-configuration is written in a simple tsconfig.json
. Modify it as you want.
To easily share global types definition, you can define them in a .ts
file in src/types
Then export these types in src/types/index.ts
export * from './myCreatedTypes'
Now you are able to consume them using the @types
import { CustomType } from '@types'
🎨 Design system
The boilerplate render for you a design-system instance in src/theme/ThemeProvider.tsx
. Adjust your options as you want by modifying DesignSystemInstance
component's props.
Consume the design-system components in the app:
import { Button, Icon } from '@anynines/design-system'
🌗 Theming
You can customize the default theme by modifying the CUSTOM_THEME
object located in src/theme/customTheme.ts
Consume the ThemeContext
using the @theme
import { ThemeContext } from '@theme'
const { theme } = React.useContext(ThemeContext)
Note: The design-system is instanciate and store in
✅ Testing
Jest is already configured with enzyme. Run the tests using:
yarn test # run all tests
yarn test:watch # rerun tests after modification
yarn test:coverage # generate tests coverage
Add tests by creating a new file [MyComponent].test.js
. It should be located inside src
🚨 Linter
Eslint and stylelint are already configured. Check your code by running:
yarn lint # run linters
yarn lint:js # run eslint linter
yarn lint:css # run stylelint linter
👷 Travis
The boilerplate provide a TravisCI basic configuration. On each new commit, it makes sure that the app build, that there are no linter errors and that the tests do not fail:
yarn build && yarn lint && yarn test
🤡 Mocked API
The boilerplate run a local mocked API in development environment. You can create .json
files in src/mockedApi
and fetch them at /api/[filename].json
You can see it in action by running yarn start
and go to localhost:9000/api/users.json. This file is located at src/mockedApi/users.json
You can access these files by using the @mockedApi
import users from '@mockedApi/users.json'