React components based on [mapbox](https://www.mapbox.com/) used to display quantitative data of geographical regions with support for multiples data sets and dates.
React Regional Data Display
React components based on mapbox used to display quantitative data of geographical regions with support for multiples data sets and dates.
npm install @antonio-goncalves/react-regional-data-display
Usage example using data provided by Eurostats.
import * as React from "react";
import {ReactRegionalDataDisplay} from "@antonio-goncalves/react-regional-data-display";
import '@antonio-goncalves/react-regional-data-display/dist/main.css'
import useSWR from 'swr'
import axios from 'axios'
const center = {
lng: 13.9612,
lat: 57.1004,
zoom: 2.36
const fetcher =( url:string )=> axios.get(url).then(res => res.data)
const MAPBOX_TOKEN="your-token";
export function DataDisplayWithData(){
const { data:dataSets, error:dataSetsError } = useSWR('https://preview.antonio-goncalves.com/api/dataSets?ids=gdp,populationDensity', fetcher)
const { data:regions, error:regionsError } = useSWR('https://preview.antonio-goncalves.com/api/regions/eurostatCountries10m?ids=BE,BG,CZ,DK,DE,EE,IE,EL,ES,FR,HR,IT,CY,LV,LT,LU,HU,MT,NL,AT,PL,PT,RO,SI,SK,FI,SE,IS,LI,NO,CH,UK,ME,MK,AL,RS,TR', fetcher)
if(dataSetsError || regionsError){
const errors = []
errors.push(<p style={{color:"red"}}>Error when fetching data sets: {dataSetsError.message}</p>)
errors.push(<p style={{color:"red"}}>Error when fetching regions: {regionsError.message}</p>)
return <>
return (
React component provided by this library.
Main component providing the map visualizer, data info, data set and date selection.
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |-----------------------|------------------|-------------|---------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | dataSets | DataSet[] | no | | Data sets available on the component. | | regions | Region[] | no | | GeoJSON data of regions available on the map. | | center | Center | yes | { zoom:1, lng:0, lat:0} | Center position and zoom. | | mapBoxToken | string | no | | Access token required to use mapbox. | | mapHeight | string or number | yes | 500 | Height of the map, use a number of "px" or a sring for a css value. | | mapBoxOptions | object | yes | | Extra options passed to the mapbox constructor. | | onDataSetChange | (dataSetId:string)=>void| yes | | Fired when a new data set is selected. | | className | string | yes | | Custom class for the container. | | sliderClassName | string | yes | | Custom class for the slider element. | | dropdownClassName | string | yes | | Custom class for the dropdown element. | | placeholderClassName | string | yes | | Custom class for the placeholder text. | | mapContainerClassName | string | yes | | Custom class for map container. | | style | object | yes | | Custom style for the container. | | sliderStyle | object | yes | | Custom style for the slider element. | | dropdownStyle | object | yes | | Custom style for the dropdown element. | | placeholderStyle | object | yes | | Custom style for the placeholder text. | | mapContainerStyle | object | yes | | Custom style for map container. |
Map component used on this project, can be used as a standalone component if date and data set selection is not required.
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |----------------|----------------------|--------|---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | regionsData | RegionData[] or null | no | | Data value for each region. | | regions | Region[] | no | | GeoJSON data of regions available on the map. | | center | Center | yes | { zoom:1, lng:0, lat:0} | Center position and zoom. | | mapBoxToken | string | no | | Access token required to use mapbox. | | mapHeight | string or number | yes | 500 | Height of the map, use a number of "px" or a sring for a css value. | | mapBoxOptions | object | yes | | Extra options passed to the mapbox constructor. | | scale | Scale | no | | Scale used by the map. | | footnotes | Footnote[] | yes | | Footnotes texts available to be used by data points. | | unit | Unit | no | | Unit of the data showed on the map. | | dropdownClassName | string | yes | | Custom class for the dropdown element. | | mapContainerClassName | string | yes | | Custom class for the map container. | | mapContainerStyle | object | yes | | Custom style for the map container. |
Coloured scale used on the map
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |-------------|---------|--------|---------------|--------------------------------------| | value | DataScale | no | | Numeric intervals and colors. | | unit | Unit | no | | Unit showed on the label. | | onMouseOver | (value?: ScaleInterval)=>void | no | | Mouse over event for each scale area. |
Animated slider used for date selection.
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |-------------|-----------------------|-------------|---------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | value | number | no | | Current selection of the scale. | | values | SliderValue[] | no | | Available values. | | timeBetweenJumps | number | yes | 1000 | Time in ms between between selection when in animated mode is enabled. | | onChange | (value: number)=>void | no | | Event when fired when the value changes | | className | string | yes | | Custom class for the slider. | | style | object | yes | | Custom style for the slider. |
Data structures used on this project.
Object describing a data set.
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |-------------|---------------|-------------|---------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | string | no | | Id of the data set. | | name | string | no | | Name of the data set. | | description | string | no | | Description of the data set. | | center | Center | no | | Position and zoom of the map (overrides "center" property of the map). | | source | DataSetSource | no | | Source of the data. | | dates | DataSetDates | no | | Dates of the data set. | | unit | Unit | no | | Unit of the data set. | | scale | DataScale | no | | Scale info for the data set. | | data | RegionData[] or null | no | | Data values for each region. | | footnotes | Footnote[] | yes | | Footnotes texts available to be used by data points. |
Object describing the center position and zoom on the map.
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |------|--------|-------------|----------------------|-----------------| | lat | number | no | | Latitude value. | | lng | number | no | | Longitude value. | | zoom | number | no | | Zoom level. |
Object describing the source of the data
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |------|--------|-------------|----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | name | string | no | | Name of the source. | | url | string | no | | Url of the source. |
Object describing the dates available on the data set
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |------------|----------|-------------|----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | format | string | no | | Format on how to display the dates. | | timestamps | number[] | no | | Values of the timestamps in ms. |
Object describing the unit
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |--------|--------|-------------|----------------------|----------------------| | name | string | no | | Name of the unit. | | symbol | string | no | | Symbol of the unit. |
Object describing the scale used on the map
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |------------|----------|-------------|----------------------|--------------------------| | startValue | number | no | | First value of the scale. | | steps | number[] | no | | Values for each step. | | colors | string[] | no | | Color of each step. |
Object describing the data for each region
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |---------------|----------|-------------|----------------------|----------------------| | dateTimestamp | number | no | | Date of the data. | | id | string | no | | Id of the region. | | value | number | no | | Numeric value of the data. | | footnoteIds | string[] | yes | | Ids of the footnotes. |
Object describing footnotes available
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |-------------|----------|-------------|----------------------|----------------------------| | id | string | no | | Id of the footnote. | | value | string | no | | Text value of the footnote. |
Object containing the contours of a region
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |---------|---------|-------------|----------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | id | string | no | | Id of the region. | | name | string | no | | name of the region. | | geoJSON | GeoJSON | no | | Contours of the region, GeoJSON (type="Feature"). |
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |---------|---------|-------------|----------------------|------------------------| | label | string | no | | Label of the value. | | value | number | no | | Numeric value. |
| Name | Type | Is Optional | Default Value | Description | |----------|--------|-------------|----------------------|-------------------| | minValue | number | no | | Minimum value. | | maxValue | number | no | | Maximum value. | | color | string | no | | Color of the area. |