Microframework for microfrontends, glues superfine, htm and classcat together
Thisisfine is an attempt to make simple to use microfrontend JS framework that can be used without the need to build anything.
Just serve thisisfine.dist.js
from node_modules/thisisfine
as a type=module
ES module thing and you are good to go!
This bundle is superfine + classcat + htm glued together by a small 50 LOC module with super simple API inspired by MithrilJS and without the whole hyperapp effect/subscription complexity.
Basic usage:
Sample app is available here: https://github.com/Antender/thisisfine-sample
ln node_modules/thisisfine.dist.js thisisfine.js
Then import thisisfine like this
import {thisisfine, h} from './thisisfine.js';
in yourindex.js
Create an "app" that will redraw selected DOM node:
const app = thisisfine(document.getElementById('app'))
Create aliases to redraw and autoredraw functions (optional):
const redraw = app.redraw
const ar = app.autoredraw
- Use redraw when you update your data layer or use autoredraw to decorate your state objects and redraw on field change:
let counters = [ar({value: 0}), ar({value: 0})] // Counters will autoredraw on value change
- Build some views using included JSX (htm) syntax, they must be pure functions a-la React (Elm, Mithril) stateless components. Pass state from root component to child ones using "prop drilling":
const Counter = (state) => h`
<div class="horizontal-box spacing">
<input type="text" value="${state.value}" class=spacing></input>
<div class=pure-button-group>
<button onclick=${() => state.value+=1} class=${['pure-button', 'spacing']}>Up</button>
<button onclick=${() => state.value-=1} class=${['pure-button', 'spacing']}>Down</button>
const App = () => h`
<main id="app">
${counters.map((counter) => Counter(counter))}
<button onclick=${() => {counters.push(ar({value: 0})); redraw()}} class=spacing style="margin-left: 10px;">Add counter</button>
- Mount your app:
Things worth mentioning
Multiple "apps" can exist independently on a single page. So if you should split your site into multiple independendent views that communicate using data layer if your experience speed or maintenance problems instead of doing React-like microoptimizations in a monolitic SPA app.
Routing should be handled server-side
You should structure your project using classic HTML/CSS/JS separation. Don't be shy to just use static HTML instead of
where it is appropriate.JSX is parsed at runtime in browser and cached, more info about syntax here: htm
This framework assumes that some modern browser goodies like ES modules, Proxy and fetch are available
Class attribute in JSX supports classcat optional class objects
h function is supposed to be used using ES string template syntax h`<main class=${ ['main'] }>Hello, world!</main>`
and produces superfine VDOM nodes.
app(ref) -> appinstance
app binds thisisfine to provided DOM node (acquired using getElementById, getElementsByTagName, document.body etc...)
signals to redraw this appinstance, redraws are throttled to RequestAnimationFrame
makes object properties redraw this app when updated