Get/set data from a config file with full TypeScript IDE autocomplete and TypeScript + Zod schema checking
Typed Config
Get/set data from a config file with full TypeScript IDE autocomplete and TypeScript + Zod schema checking
Supported Environments
- Node
- Deno (if imported with npm: prefix)
## Install
npm i @andyrmitchell/typed-config
How it works
The basic approach
import {TypedConfig} from '@andyrmitchell/typed-config';
// The very basic approach
const confBasic = new TypedConfig();
await confBasic.set('dot.prop.path.to.value', 'hello world');
const valueBasic = confBasic.getSync('dot.prop.path.to.value'); // 'hello world'
More examples
import {TypedConfig} from '@andyrmitchell/typed-config';
import { z } from 'zod';
async function main() {
// Customise location, to store in /<path-to-your-package>/config_store/confCustom.json
const confCustomStore = new TypedConfig({type: 'file', file: 'confCustom.json', path_from_package_root: 'config_store'});
// Make 'get' wait until any writes are complete on the file (i.e. lock file released)
const confAwaitGet = new TypedConfig();
await confAwaitGet.set('dot.prop.path.to.value', 'hello world');
const valueAwaitGet = await confAwaitGet.get('dot.prop.path.to.value'); // 'hello world'
// Let TypeScript hint/autocomplete/check your values
const confTyped = new TypedConfig<{name: string}>();
const valueTyped = confTyped.getSync('name'); // Path is now locked to 'name', per given type
// Use a schema to check values at runtime (and auto infer type)
const confSchemaBound = new TypedConfig(undefined, undefined, z.object({name: z.string()}));
const valueSchemaBound = confSchemaBound.get('name'); // Path is locked to 'name'
// EXPECT FAIL DUE TO NUMBER INSTEAD OF STRING: await confSchemaBound.set('name', 41);
// EXPECT FAIL DUE TO UNKNOWN KEY: await confSchemaBound.set('other', 'Bob');
await confSchemaBound.set('name', 'Bob');
// Use defaults (useful for more complex schemas where values are required)
const confSchemaBoundAndDefaultsFail = new TypedConfig(undefined, undefined, z.object({name: z.string(), age: z.number()}));
confSchemaBoundAndDefaultsFail.set('age', 41); // EXPECT FAIL DUE TO NO NAME PROVIDED, BUT SCHEMA REQUIRES
const confSchemaBoundAndDefaults = new TypedConfig(undefined, {name: 'Alice', age: 40}, z.object({name: z.string(), age: z.number()}));
confSchemaBoundAndDefaults.set('age', 41); // Works because name was set in default
Abstract the storage mechanism with an adapter
E.g. be able to write to Postgres, be Deno native, etc.