Abstraction for working with the file system in any environment (currently only Node)
File IO
An abstract interface, with some helpers, for working with the file system.
It's intended to be cross-environment, but currently is only for Node.
Support Deno
Jest pains
In theory it should be simple to get ESM working with Jest (all the code is written for ESM); but I've found switching the whole npm package to ESM to be full of sharks. So it's commonjs for now, with caveats for certain ESM modules / techniques (below).
Longer term the package should move to ESM, but for now...
Importing 3rd party ESM modules
Jest will complain about "import" statements. So tell Jest to not try to transform those packages, just use them.
In jest.config.ts:
transformIgnorePatterns: [
// Don't transform node_modules for any other ES modules you use
Getting import.meta.url working with Jest
Follow this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64961387/how-to-use-import-meta-when-testing-with-jest to use the babel plugin: https://github.com/javiertury/babel-plugin-transform-import-meta
In jest.config.ts, I had to make the file explicit to use Babel instead of ts-jest:
transform: {
// Use babel-jest to transform JS files
'^.+\\.(js|jsx)$': 'babel-jest',
'^.+getInvokedScriptDirectory\\.ts$': 'babel-jest',
// Use ts-jest for ts/tsx files
'^.+\\.(ts|tsx)$': 'ts-jest',
An alternative solution would have been to create a mocks folder, with getInvokedScriptDirectory.ts, and then update jest.config.js with:
moduleNameMapper: {
'^./getInvokedScriptDirectory$': '<rootDir>/path/to/__mocks__/getInvokedScriptDirectory.ts',