Encodes and compresses audio/video for widely supported web formats
Encode & compress audio/video specifically for web.
: Takes a list of folders of audio files and converts them to .opus, .caf (opus codec), and .mp3.encode-video
: Takes a list of folders of video files (currently mp4 & mov) and outputs an mp4 for each, and optionally a .wav audio track.
npm install @andrewstart/av-encoder
Project Config file
You'll need to create a JSON5 or JSON formatted project config file, with the default name/location being ./ave-config.json5
// configuration for audio
audio: {
// Optional, name a cache file to use instead of the default. This allows only changed files to be rerun in later runs.
cache: "path/to/.cachefile",
// default properties for audio encoding, if not specified
default: {
// Target bitrate for .opus & .caf VBR in the form "<number>k". Lower is lower quality.
opusTargetBitrate: '32k',
// Quality for .mp3 VBR, 0-9 with higher being lower quality.
mp3Quality: '9',
// True to force downmixing to mono. False or omit to leave as-is
mono: true,
// list of source folders and destinations. Source folders are globs, and destinations can be
// shared.
folders: [
src: 'src/sfx/*.wav',
dest: 'assets/sfx',
src: ['src/sfx/loops/*.wav'],
dest: 'assets/sfx/loops',
// each folder can have specific encoding properties
opusTargetBitrate: '48k',
mp3Quality: '7'
src: 'src/vo/**/*.wav',
dest: 'assets/vo',
// you can also override settings for individual files if so desired
overrides: {
'src/vo/intro.wav': {
opusTargetBitrate: '48k',
mp3Quality: '7'
// configuration for video is exactly the same as for audio, but with different encoding settings
video: {
// Optional, name a cache file to use instead of the default. This allows only changed files to be rerun in later runs.
cache: "path/to/.cachefile",
default: {
// MP4 quality: 0 is lossless, 23 is default, and 51 is worst possible. 18-28 is a sane range.
quality: 28,
// Width of the video, to handle resizing. This is required for each video, so you may need to set it
// individually if you have multiple different sized videos
width: 1280,
// If audioOut is set, the video will not have an audio track, which will instead be split out into a
// .wav file to this location (relative to baseSrc from the video configuration)
audioOut: '../audio/vo'
// see above for how folders work
folders: []
Project cache files
Files for audio & video caches to track which files need to be encoded and which don't will be created in your project. .aveaudiocache
and .avevidiocache
(or your project values) will be created when encoding audio and video, respectively. If your output files are tracked with version control, then these cache files should be tracked as well.