> TODO: description
Make command line tools based on yargs.
$ nest-commands-example --help
nest-commands-example <command>
nest-commands-example author Show author information
nest-commands-example file Show file information
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
$ npm i @anchan828/nest-commands
$ npm i --save-dev @types/yargs
import { Commander, Command, CommandModule, CommandService } from "@anchan828/nest-commands";
class TestCommander {
@Command({ name: "basic" })
public basic() {
imports: [CommandModule.register()],
providers: [TestCommander],
class TestAppModule {}
(async () => {
const app = await NestFactory.createApplicationContext(TestAppModule, { logger: false });
$ ts-node cli.ts basic
You can set some options
* Set to yargs.scriptName
* @type {string}
* @memberof CommandModuleOptions
scriptName?: string;
* Set to yargs.usage
* @type {string}
* @memberof CommandModuleOptions
usage?: string;
* Set to yargs.locale
* @type {string}
* @memberof CommandModuleOptions
locale?: string;
Nested command
If you want to use nested command, add name to commander.
@Commander({ name: "nested" })
class TestCommander {
@Command({ name: "command1" })
public command1(): void {
console.log("Run nested command1");
@Command({ name: "command2" })
public command2(): void {
console.log("Run nested command2");
Global options
You can set options to top level. Use @CommanderOption
and no set commander name
class GlobalOptions {
description: "Output as json",
name: "json",
type: "boolean",
public json!: boolean;
positional and option
class TestCommander {
// See: https://github.com/yargs/yargs#complex-example
@Command({ describe: "start the server", name: "serve" })
public serve(
default: 5000,
describe: "port to bind on",
name: "port",
port: number,
alias: "v",
default: false,
description: "Run with verbose logging",
name: "verbose",
type: "boolean",
verbose: boolean,
): void {
console.log(`port is ${port}`);
console.log(`verbose is ${verbose}`);
Array positional
If you want to array positional, add ..
at the end.
class TestCommander {
@Command({ describe: "array positional", name: "list" })
public serve(
describe: "show files",
name: "files..",
files: string[],
): void {
console.log("Run array positional command");
class StringPipe implements PipeTransform<string, string> {
transform(value: string): string {
return `updated ${value}`;
class TestCommander {
@Command({ describe: "start the server", name: "serve" })
public serve(): void {
// token is 'updated token'
console.log(`token is '${this.token}'`);
@CommanderOption({ demandOption: true, name: "token", type: "string" }, StringPipe)
public token!: string;
Load config file (cosmiconfig)
You can load config file from user project.
If you want to load config, set configName. Then CLI will search and load them
- A {configName} property in a package.json file.
- A .{configName}rc file with JSON or YAML syntax.
- A .{configName}rc.json file.
- A .{configName}rc.yaml, .{configName}rc.yml, or .{configName}rc.js file.
- A {configName}.config.js JS file exporting the object.
Please see cosmiconfig about more details
Also, You can add custom config filename
imports: [
configName: "nest-commands",
searchPlaces: ["custom-config-name.json"],
providers: [TestCommander],
class TestAppModule {}
Customize config object
You can customize config after loading it.
imports: [
config: {
name: "nest-commands",
processor: async (config: TestConfig): Promise<TestConfig> => {
if (config.date === "today") {
config.date = new Date().toDateString();
return config;
providers: [TestCommander],
class TestAppModule {}
Also, you can use decorators!
@GlobalConfig({ name: "nest-commands", searchPlaces: ["custom-config-name.json"] })
class TestGlobalConfig {
public async processor(config: TestConfig): Promise<TestConfig> {
if (config.date === "today") {
config.date = new Date().toDateString();
return config;
imports: [CommandModule.register()],
providers: [TestCommander, TestGlobalConfig],
class TestAppModule {}
You can try to run command!
npx ts-node -T ./examples/basic.ts basic --help
npx ts-node -T ./examples/nested-commands.ts nested show --help
npx ts-node -T ./examples/positional-and-option.ts serve --help
npx ts-node -T ./examples/many-modules.ts --help
npx ts-node -T ./examples/many-modules.ts user show
npx ts-node -T ./examples/array-positional.ts list test1 test2
npx ts-node -T ./examples/merge-commanders merge --help
npx ts-node -T ./examples/commander-option.ts --token token serve
npx ts-node -T ./examples/global-options.ts --json test show
npx ts-node -T ./examples/use-pipes.ts --token token serve
npx ts-node -T ./examples/config.ts test
npx ts-node -T ./examples/config.processor.ts test
You can create single executable file using ncc / pkg / nexe.