Auto generation for relay type
Auto generation for relay type
Quick Start
import { genRelayTypes } from "@anchan828/gen-graphql-relay-schema";
import { buildASTSchema, printSchema } from "graphql";
const schema = `
type Project {
id: ID
type Query {
projects: [Project] @relay
//=> """A connection for relay"""
// interface Connection {
// """Identifies the total count of items in the connection."""
// totalCount: Int
// """Information to aid in pagination."""
// pageInfo: PageInfo!
// """A list of edges."""
// edges: [Edge]
// }
// """An edge in a connection."""
// interface Edge {
// """A cursor for use in pagination."""
// cursor: String
// }
// """An object with an ID."""
// interface Node {
// """ID of the object."""
// id: ID!
// }
// """Information about pagination in a connection."""
// type PageInfo {
// """When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue."""
// startCursor: String
// """When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue."""
// endCursor: String
// """When paginating forwards, are there more items?"""
// hasNextPage: Boolean
// """When paginating backwards, are there more items?"""
// hasPreviousPage: Boolean
// }
// type Project implements Node {
// id: ID
// }
// """The connection type for Project"""
// type ProjectConnection implements Connection {
// """Identifies the total count of Project items in the connection."""
// totalCount: Int
// """A list of ProjectEdge."""
// edges: [ProjectEdge]
// """Information to aid in pagination."""
// pageInfo: PageInfo!
// }
// """An edge in a ProjectConnection."""
// type ProjectEdge implements Edge {
// """The item at the end of the edge."""
// node: Project
// """A cursor for use in pagination."""
// cursor: String
// }
// type Query {
// projects(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): ProjectConnection
// }