A simple way to convert an API to async JS functions.
API To Functions
This package allows you to declare an api and then will wrap it in functions.
A simple example using (node) websockets from examples/ws
Note: API To Functions has no server/client module but websockets does which is why there is a server/client.js file (the client can also register functions)
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const ApiToFunctions = require('@anbcodes/api-to-functions').default;
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8081');
ws.on('open', async () => {
const clientApiCreator = new ApiToFunctions(
(data) => ws.send(JSON.stringify(data)), // The function API To Functions uses to send data
(func) => { ws.on('message', (data) => func(JSON.parse(data))); }, // The function API To Functions uses to register a listener for the data
clientApiCreator.register('logOnClient', (value) => {
console.log(`serverLog: ${value}`);
return `success ${value}`;
const serverApi = clientApiCreator.remoteFunctions; // The Api the server created in server.js
console.log('Returned:', await serverApi.logOnServer('An awesome value for the server!!!'));
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8081 });
const ApiToFunctions = require('@anbcodes/api-to-functions').default;
wss.on('connection', async (ws) => {
const ServerApiCreator = new ApiToFunctions(
(data) => ws.send(JSON.stringify(data)), // The function API To Functions uses to send data
(func) => { ws.on('message', (data) => func(JSON.parse(data))); } // The function API To Functions uses to register a listener for the data,
ServerApiCreator.register('logOnServer', (value) => { // Register a function for the client to call in client.js
console.log(`clientlog: ${value}`);
return `success ${value}`;
clientApi = ServerApiCreator.remoteFunctions; // The api which the client created in client.js
console.log('Client Returned: ', await clientApi.logOnClient('An awesome value!!!'));
Client output
> node client.js
serverLog: An awesome value!!!
Returned: success An awesome value for the server!!!
Server output
> node server.js
clientlog: An awesome value for the server!!!
Client Returned: success An awesome value!!!
is required for nodejs
This library is written in typescript. It also supports setting a interface as the type of the remote api as in this example (examples/typescript)
/* A typescript type checking example. This is NOT a working example */
import ApiToFunctions from '@anbcodes/api-to-functions'
interface RemoteAPI {
exampleFunction: (data: string) => Promise<string>
const placeholderFunction = () => ''
const apiCreator = new ApiToFunctions<RemoteAPI>(placeholderFunction, placeholderFunction)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const remoteApi = apiCreator.remoteFunctions
// remoteApi now has the type of RemoteAPI for things like autocompletion
A class which provides a way to create an api through methods.
: a function which the class calls to send data to the server (The data is not a string)addMessageListener
: a function which the class calls with a function as an argument to register a listener for messages.timeout
: the amount of time the handler should wait for a function to be registered before returning an error
Registers a function from the client which can then be called on the server
: the name of the functionfunc
: the function to register