Off-Chain SDK for Aiken Upgradable Multisig
Table of Contents
Aiken Upgradable Multisig Offchain
The Aiken Multisig Offchain is a typescript based SDK built to conveniently interact with an Aiken based secure and flexible multi-signature smart contract designed specifically for the Cardano Blockchain. It provides developers with an easy-to-use interface to manage multisig wallets, enabling secure and flexible transactions that require multiple authorized signatures.
Key features:
- Secure Spending of Assets: Ensure that asset transactions can only be executed by authorized members.
- Seamless Adjustment of Signer Thresholds: Adjust the required number of signatures needed to approve transactions without compromising security.
- Addition or Removal of Signers: Update the list of signatories and threshold as needed.
- Spending Limits Enforcement: Define and enforce spending limits for transactions to enhance security.
- Asset Support: Manage both ADA and other Cardano native tokens.
This project is funded by the Cardano Treasury in Catalyst Fund 11
What is a Multisignature (Multisig) Contract?
A multisignature (multisig) contract is a smart contract that requires multiple parties to authorize a transaction before it can be executed. This adds an extra layer of security by distributing the approval authority among multiple trusted signatories. Multisig contracts are commonly used in scenarios where assets need to be managed collectively, such as joint accounts, corporate treasury management, or any situation where shared control over funds is desired.
How Does This Project Facilitate Multisig Transactions?
This project provides an off-chain SDK to interact along with our Aiken Upgradable Multisig. The contract allows authorized members to execute asset transactions within predefined thresholds. It fullfills the requirements of an upgradable multisig by enabling:
- Transaction Approval: Ensure transactions execute only with the required number of signatures.
- Signer Management: Add or remove signers to reflect organizational changes.
- Threshold Adjustment: Seamlessly adjust the signature threshold as needed.
- Spending Limits: Define and enforce maximum withdrawal amounts per transaction.
Design Documentation
For a comprehensive understanding of the contract's architecture, design decisions, and implementation details, please refer to the Design Documentation. This documentation provides in-depth insights into the contract's design, including its components, and detailed explanations of its functionality.
Usage Example
Install package
npm install @anastasia-labs/aiken-multisig-offchain
pnpm install @anastasia-labs/aiken-multisig-offchain
Below are the basic instructions on how to use the multisig endpoints.
For a more comprehensive working example, checkout the examples folder.
Setup Lucid & Multisig Scripts
Ensure all signers have enough funds in their wallets.
Each partial signature should be stored in a persistence layer (database, server, etc.) and retrieved once enough signatures are collected.
import Script from "../src/validator/multisig_validator.json" assert { type: "json" };
const lucid = await Lucid(
new Maestro({
network: "Preprod",
apiKey: "<Your-API-Key>", // Get yours by visiting https://docs.gomaestro.org/docs/Getting-started/Sign-up-login
turboSubmit: false, // Read about paid turbo transaction submission feature at https://docs.gomaestro.org/docs/Dapp%20Platform/Turbo%20Transaction
lucid.selectWallet.fromPrivateKey("your secret key here e.g. ed25519_...");
Initiate Multisig Contract
All signers must sign when initialising. (Wallet must contain enough lovelace to fund the contract.)
import { initiateMultisig, MultiSigConfig, LucidEvolution } from "@anastasia-labs/aiken-multisig-offchain";
// Define signatories' public key hashes
const initiatorPkh = getAddressDetails(initiatorAddress).paymentCredential?.hash!;
const signer1Pkh = getAddressDetails(signer1Address).paymentCredential?.hash!;
const signer2Pkh = getAddressDetails(signer2Address).paymentCredential?.hash!;
const signer3Pkh = getAddressDetails(signer3Address).paymentCredential?.hash!;
// Configure the multisig parameters
const initConfig: MultiSigConfig = {
signers: [initiator.pkh, signer1.pkh, signer2.pkh, signer3.pkh],
threshold: 2n,
fund_policy_id: "", // For ADA, leave empty
fund_asset_name: "", // For ADA, leave empty
spending_limit: 10_000_000n,
total_funds_qty: 100_000_000n,
// Initiate the multisig contract
const initTxUnsigned = await initiateMultisig(lucid, initConfig);
const initTxUnsigned = await initiateMultiSig(lucid, initConfig);
const cboredTx = initTxUnsigned.toCBOR();
const partialSignatures: string[] = [];
for (
const signerSeed of [
) {
const partialSigner = await lucid
const assembleTx = initTxUnsigned.assemble(
const initTxSigned = await assembleTx.complete();
const initTxHash = await initTxSigned.submit();
console.log(`Submitting ...`);
await lucid.awaitTx(initTxHash);
console.log(`Multisig Contract Initiated Successfully: ${initTxHash}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to initiate multisig:", error);
import { validateSign, ValidateSignConfig } from "@anastasia-labs/aiken-multisig-offchain";
// Configure the sign transaction
const validateSignConfig: ValidateSignConfig = {
withdrawal_amount: 5_000_000n, // Amount to withdraw in lovelace
recipient_address: recipientAddress, // Address to receive the funds
signers_list: [initiatorPkh, signer1Pkh], // Signatories participating
// Validate and prepare the transaction
const signTxUnsigned = await validateSign(lucid, validateSignConfig);
// Sign multisig
try {
const signTxUnsigned = await validateSign(lucid, signConfig);
const cboredTx = signTxUnsigned.toCBOR();
const partialSignatures: string[] = [];
for (
const signerSeed of [
) {
const partialSigner = await lucid
const assembleTx = signTxUnsigned.assemble(partialSignatures);
const completeSign = await assembleTx.complete();
const signTxHash = await completeSign.submit();
console.log(`Submitting ...`);
await lucid.awaitTx(signTxHash);
console.log(`Multisig Contract Signed Successfully: ${signTxHash}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to Sign multisig:", error);
Update Multisig Contract
All new signers must sign when updating the signer number. (Adjust threshold, signers, or spending limits.)
import {
} from "@anastasia-labs/aiken-multisig-offchain";
// Example: adjusting threshold to 3-of-3
const updateConfig: UpdateValidateConfig = {
new_signers: [initiatorPkh, signer1Pkh, signer2Pkh],
new_threshold: 3n,
fund_policy_id: "",
fund_asset_name: "",
new_spending_limit: 15_000_000n,
// Validate and prepare the update transaction
try {
const updateTxUnsigned = await validateUpdate(lucid, updateConfig);
const cboredTx = updateTxUnsigned.toCBOR();
const partialSignatures: string[] = [];
for (
const signerSeed of [
) {
const partialSigner = await lucid
const assembleTx = updateTxUnsigned.assemble(partialSignatures);
const completeSign = await assembleTx.complete();
const updateTxHash = await completeSign.submit();
console.log(`Submitting ...`);
await lucid.awaitTx(updateTxHash);
console.log(`Multisig Contract Updated Successfully: ${updateTxHash}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to Update multisig:", error);
Add or Remove Signers
Adding a New Signer:
// Add a new signer
const signer3Pkh = getAddressDetails(signer3Address).paymentCredential?.hash!;
// Update the signers list and threshold
const addSignerConfig: UpdateValidateConfig = {
new_signers: [initiatorPkh, signer1Pkh, signer2Pkh, signer3Pkh], // New Signer
new_threshold: 3n,
fund_policy_id: "",
fund_asset_name: "",
new_spending_limit: 20_000_000n,
// Proceed with validation and signing as shown in the update example
Removing a Signer:
// Remove a signer (e.g., signer2)
const updatedSigners = [initiatorPkh, signer1Pkh];
// Update the signers list and threshold
const removeSignerConfig: UpdateValidateConfig = {
new_signers: updatedSigners,
new_threshold: 2n, // Adjusted threshold
fund_policy_id: "",
fund_asset_name: "",
new_spending_limit: 10_000_000n,
// Proceed with validation and signing as shown in the update example
End the Multisig Contract
import { endMultiSig, EndSigConfig } from "@anastasia-labs/aiken-multisig-offchain";
// Configure the multisig parameters
const signConfig: EndSigConfig = {
signers: [initiator.pkh, signer1.pkh, signer2.pkh, signer3.pkh],
threshold: 3n,
fund_policy_id: "",
fund_asset_name: "",
spending_limit: 10_000_000n,
recipient_address: recipient.address,
// Initiate the multisig contract
const endMultisigUnsigned = await endMultiSig(lucid, signConfig,);
try {
const endTxUnsigned = await endMultiSig(lucid, endConfig);
const cboredTx = endTxUnsigned.toCBOR();
const partialSignatures: string[] = [];
for (
const signerSeed of [
) {
const partialSigner = await lucid
const assembleTx = endTxUnsigned.assemble(partialSignatures);
const completeSign = await assembleTx.complete();
const endTxHash = await completeSign.submit();
console.log(`Submitting ...`);
await lucid.awaitTx(endTxHash);
console.log(`Multisig Contract Ended Successfully: ${endTxHash}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to End multisig:", error);
Local Build
In the main directory
pnpm run build
Test framework
Running Tests
pnpm test
Test Results: